Dr. Shahab Yar Khan

  • Associate professor of English literature
  • University of Sarajevo
  • Bosnia & Herzegovina

Prof. Dr. Shahab Yar Khan is a leading South-East European expert of English Renaissance and Shakespearean studies from University of Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina. In 1997, Prof. Khan left his homeland, Lahore (popular Subcontinental city in Pakistan where he was born in 1967) for Sarajevo University, where now he is settled with his family. He has dedicated life time in promoting Shakespearean Drama in Particular and English literature in general during the last two decades in the region. He is founder of Shakespeare Drama Club, Sarajevo University and since 2000, as a versatile stage actor and director, has led the club in mounting on stage freshly interpreted Shakespearean plays annually. He is writer of eight critical books on various aspects of his fields of expertise so far, two of them were best sellers in Bosnia in 2013. He has around a hundred scientific research papers to his credit in various local and international literary journals, many of his articles are available for students’ and research scholars’ benefit free online. He has toured worldwide, across Europe, South Asia and North America to share his genuine theories on the nature of Renaissance (he is creator of terms like, Genessance and Premussance) and Shakespearean art (lay out of a matriarchal system based on Shakespeare’s works is one of his major contributions). He has written extensively on the art of teaching and in the midst of the crises of 2020 pandemic his views have gained currency among students and academics. Recently, he has been working on various academic and theatrical projects among them his under-process novella (Job of an Interpreter) based on true accounts related to the refugee crisis in Europe is expected to give a new dimension to the stereotypical approach towards the largest wave of migration in human history.