Page 8 - Strategic Plan 2016-25
P. 8

S T R A T E G I C                G O A L S

              1 . A C A D E M I C   A M B I E N C E

                  VIT as a centre of higher learning, envisages itself to be a living and learning
             community comprised of students, scholars and professionals. Such an ambience
             should provide all the "inmates" (especially the students) with holistic and wide-
             ranging  education  that  encompasses  knowledge  gained  from  within  and  outside
             the classroom. Such an ambience should facilitate students’ aspirations for high

             intellectual and professional achievements, maintain and uphold high ethical and
             moral standards. We help our students develop lifelong habits for physical, mental
             and  social  health,  and  cultivate  their  appreciation  for  arts,  humanities  and  the
             environment. This exercise should always be entrained with instilling a sense of
             commitment  and  devotion  to  serving  the  society  and  the  humanity  at  large.
             Keeping these in mind, VIT offers diverse resources for the mind, body and soul,
             and enough flexibility for students to explore them in their own distinctive way.

                      Affording  exposure  to  excellent  opportunities  has  been  central  to  VIT’s
             strategic plan towards creation of ideal ambience. VIT is moulding its academic
             atmosphere  in  such  a  way  as  to  encourage  the  students  to  take  the  initiative  in
             inquiry-based active learning and peer mentoring. To achieve this goal, VIT has
             introduced  a  Curriculum  for  Applied  Learning  (CAL)  system  which  has  more
             project  component  than  the  conventional  class  room  teaching/learning  system.
             The “J” component embedded in the CAL system offers excellent opportunities
             for  the  students  to  take  up  individual  studies  (projects)  or  in  unison  with  their
             peers.  The  excellent  infrastructure  (which  VIT  is  known  for)  will  add  to  the
             students’ confidence and competency levels.
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