Page 10 - SSS-Report-2023
P. 10
(iv) Support System: (5 point scale)
No. of Students Participated in the Survey: 5659
S.No Description Average
1. Support received from Proctor/Mentor 3.8
2. Support received from Administrative Offices 3.6
3. Support received from Technical Staff in labs 3.8
4. Support received from Students’ Welfare Office 3.7
5. Placement, Training and career development activities 3.7
6. Students’ counseling support 3.7
7. Redressal of student grievances 3.6
Students' Feedback – Supports System
Redressal of student grievances 3.6
Students' counseling support
Placement, Training and career
development activities 3.7
Support received from Students' 3.7
Welfare office
Support received from Technical Staff in
labs 3.8
Support received from Administrative
Offices 3.6
Support received from Proctor/Mentor 3.8
|Students Satisfaction Survey 2023 | Version 1.2 | |Page 10 of 17 |