Page 1 - Stakeholder Feedback Templates AY 2022-2023
P. 1
Student’s Feedback
AY 2022-23
Dear Student,
We seek your valuable feedback on curriculum and syllabus to enhance the quality of the
programme offered at Vellore Institute of Technology.
Name :
Reg. No :
Name of the programme :
5 – Strongly agree, 4 – Agree, 3 – Neutral, 2 – Disagree, 1 – Strongly disagree
Sl. Parameters 5 4 3 2 1
1 Courses offered are relevant to the
2 Lecture/Tutorials/Practical hours allotted to
each of the courses are adequate
3 Course outcomes for each course are
appropriately defined and are attained for all
the courses
4 Course text books /reference books listed are
relevant and adequate
5 Course Syllabi are adequate for ensuring
conceptual understanding and for relating
theory to real world applications
6 Course Syllabi help to acquire relevant
technical skills and instigate curiosity and
innovative thinking
7 Course Syllabi are useful for career
advancement and life-long learning
8 Course assessment scheme is designed well
9 Programme Curriculum facilitates inter/multi-
disciplinary learning
10 Please give your suggestions for the
improvement of one or more courses. Add
additional sheets if required.
Course 1:
Course 2:
11 Suggestions on enhancing the teaching-
learning pedagogy
12 Suggestions for augmenting the learning
Signature of the student
Student’s feedback _ Curriculum & Syllabus _Version 1.2