Page 1 - NIRF-2024-Overall
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No. of students who are not receiving full tuition fee reimbursement No. of students selected for Higher Studies
2017-18 3670 21229 732 9 4153 5339 204
No. of students receiving full tuition fee reimbursement from the Private Bodies
- - - - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 Median salary of placed graduates(Amount in Rs.) 300000(Three Lakh)
No. of students receiving full tuition fee reimbursement from Institution Funds
2018-19 14 243 1 0 0 28
No. of students receiving full tuition fee reimbursement from the State and Central Government No. of students placed
340 780
- - - - 0 11 0 0 0 0 130
2019-20 Socially Challenged (SC+ST+OBC Including male & female) 3035 10169 612 9 2473 3618 No. of students graduating in minimum stipulated time
National Institutional Ranking Framework
Economically Backward (Including male & female) 649 11314 121 0 1680 1749 Academic Year
7620 340 1080 519
- - -
Ministry of Education Government of India Welcome to Data Capturing System: OVERALL 2020-21 Outside Country (Including male & female) 38 1408 44 2020-21
Outside State (Including male & female) 601 26362 204 6 2879 2897 0
860 7500 340 - - 1200 1 0 7 No. of students admitted through Lateral entry
2021-22 Within State (Including male & female) Academic Year
1260 7620 340 - 2466 1344 3253 7607 1093 8 1969 3363 2019-20
Total Students 3892 35377 1298 4892 6267 No. of first year students admitted in the year
2022-23 Total Actual Student Strength (Program(s) Offered by Your Institution) No. of Female Students 1684 7637 637 14 12 2102 2555 UG [3 Years Program(s)]: Placement & higher studies for previous 3 years 583
Submitted Institute Data for NIRF'2024' Institute Name: Vellore Institute of Technology [IR-O-U-0490] Sanctioned (Approved) Intake Academic Year 1470 UG [3 Years Program(s)] 7620 UG [4 Years Program(s)] 340 UG [5 Years Program(s)] 30 PG [1 Year Program(s)] 2673 PG [2 Year Program(s)] 1500 PG-Integrated No. of Male (All programs Students of all years) 2208 UG [3 Years Program(s)] 27740 UG [4 Years Program(s)] 661 UG [5 Years Program(s)] 2 PG