Page 2 - ATR 2017-2018
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School of l11formallot1 'J'cchnology & Engineering
Slal<eholdcr flccdlrncl< trnuly11ls muJ Acllon Takcri llcport
C:011rsc: II.Sc Mui limed la & A11lnwtlo11
Theo fcrdbnclc obtal11cd from different slalcclwlden; (Lcwchcrs, sludcnts, lndw, try, parenls and
alumni) were analysed and discussed al Lhc School facully meeting.
J. Summary of the focdhacl< ohtalncd
S. No. Fccdbacl< Slatcmcnl Stakeholder Action (Yes/
- - No)
1 New technology lll<c t\R-VR can be introduced and Employer, Yes
training can be provided. Alumni,
2 Upgradalion of software. Students, Yes
3 More industrial visits and interaction can be Employer, Yes
arranged. Alumni
2. Action to be taken on specific feedback
Feedback Statement: Feedback Ref No.
New technology like AR-VR can be introduced and training SITE/MM/2017-18/1-4,10
can be rovided.
Action to be taken mention the im lementation com letion dates
VR-AR will be introduced.
I • New course on Vi rwa l Rcality(VR) was introduced in BOS on 11-09-2018.(Approved in
the Academic council mcctin 1 : 52
I feedback Statement: Feedback Ref No.
~adation of software, SITE MM 2017-18 3,4, 7
Actfnnto be taken mention the Im lcmentation com letion dates
lfoa:ooary action will be taken.
• Srtftware were upgraded in September 201B in SJT219 lab.
l'e.< Statement: Feedback Ref No.
,,fort: indwitrlal vlfiit:.ri and interaction can he arra n 1 cd. SITE MM 2017-18 1,5
Action u, be talren {mention the lmp_lcmef!!:atlonL_co_m~ _le_t_lo_n_d_a_t_c_s~ ---------1
Mon: ind,mtri,11 vlrilw and intuacLlon will h,J arranged.
• Minimum two ind,rntrial vlrilt/;ictlon I,; planed per year.
0 , I I, i----
mp,n,iWf(: of the IJlf'dn (wll.h ,w,11)
Or, A1w;,nf Kumnr Chorulwrl
b..11¼1 ~r rritr:Ar'~~ r,w/Jl/i'1 t fo~it•r,,., 1srrn
Vofl()(O lntllll1Jl6 of iaclwol<J(JV
O~d ,~ ~$UMmli11n4uUl1luJ ,f lUUDCU, r,f,
Volloro • 032 014,