Page 2 - ATR2020-21
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                                            VIT School of Design (V-SIGN)
                             Stakeholder Feedback Analysis and Action Taken Report

               The feedback obtained from different stakeholders (teachers, students, industry, parents and
               alumni) were analysed and discussed at the School faculty meeting.

               1 .   Summary of the feedback obtained
               S. No.  Feedback Statement                                Stakeholder  Action (Yes/
               1       Advanced concepts in Ul and UX can be             Teacher,      YES
                       introduced in curriculum and syllabus             Student,
               2       Students need more practice time                  Teacher       Yes

               2. Action to be taken on specific feedback
               Feedback St                                                Feedback Ref No.
               Advanced concepts in UI and UX can be introduced in        V-SIGN / MM/2020-21/ 1
               curriculum and syllabus
               Action to be taken (mention the implementation/completion dates)
               New course Advanced User Interface introduced based on the recommendation by experts in
               BoS meeting held on 29.6.2021 and Approved by Academic council held on 15.7.2021.
               Academic Council No: 62
               Feedback Statement:                                        Feedback Ref No.
               Students need more practice time                           V-SIGN / MM/2020-21/ 2
               Action to be taken (mention the implementation/completion dates)
               Will try to provide free time for the students during their regular class hours

               Signature of the Dean (with seal)

                       VITSdio of Desin (V-SIGN)
                     Vellore Institte of Technology (VIT)
                          Vellote-632014, INDIA
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