Publications In journals

All papers submitted to ICNAN’16 will be checked for its originality and will be subjected to the regular peer review process. Based on the scope of the work, the accepted papers will be published in any of the following scopus indexed and reputed Journals. ICNAN ’16 will not encourage any published work; only unpublished and original work will be considered. The version submitted to the journal must contain a significant proportion of new material that makes it distinct from the original conference paper, and it should not be published in its extended form elsewhere.




Impact Factor - 0.934


IET Nanobiotechnology

Impact Factor - 1.5


International Journal of Nanoscience


International Journal of Nanoparticles


International Journal of Nanoelectronics and Materials


IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering


Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research

Impact Factor - 0.385



Impact Factor - 2.299


Microchimica Acta

A Springer Nature journal
Impact Factor - 4.8


International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovations

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Lists of the other journals to be updated shortly…