Our Conference
25 - 26, September 2025
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i-PACT 2025
5th International Conference on Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing
Technologies (i-PACT 2025) is jointly organized by Universiti Malaya (UM),
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Vellore, India,
technically co-sponsored by Malaysia Section PES Chapter (IEEE Power and Energy
The focus of the conference is to provide a unique platform for exchange of ideas and
synergy among researchers, academicians, industrial experts and entrepreneurs across the
globe in a gamut of divergent engineering and technology disciples. State of the art
innovations in power and advanced computing technologies including latest research
trends and developments in emerging areas such as Smart and micro grids, Electric
Vehicles, Automatic Control & Computing Technologies in Green Commercial Buildings,
Molecular Imaging, Smart Photonic Systems, Cognitive Computing etc are planned to be
deliberated during the conference. All the accepted and registered papers will be
recommended to IEEE for publication in IEEE Digital Explore Library.
Universiti Malaya
The Universiti Malaya (UM) is a public research university located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It is one of the top 100 universities in the world. It is also the oldest university in Malaysia and is the highest ranking Malaysian institution of higher education according to several international ranking agencies. The university has graduated two prime ministers of Malaysia, and other political, business, and cultural figures of national prominence. The predecessor of the university, King Edward VII College of Medicine, was established on 28 September 1905 in Singapore, then a territory of the British Empire. In October 1949, the merger of the King Edward VII College of Medicine and Raffles College created the university. Rapid growth during its first decade caused the university to organize as two autonomous divisions on 15 January 1959, one located in Singapore and the other in Kuala Lumpur. In 1960, the government of Malaysia indicated that these two divisions should become autonomous and separate national universities. One branch was located in Singapore, later becoming the National University of Singapore after the independence of Singapore from Malaysia, and the other branch was located in Kuala Lumpur, retaining the name Universiti Malaya. Legislation was passed in 1961 and the Universiti Malaya was established on 1 January 1962. In 2012, UM was granted autonomy by the Ministry of Higher Education.
Faculty of Engineering, UM
The Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaya was established since 1954 in Kuala Lumpur city. To date, there are five departments in the faculty, which include Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, Biomedical and Chemical Engineering. The faculty is currently offering five undergraduate Bachelor’s degree program, four postgraduate Master’s degree program, Master’s degree by research and PhD program. There are currently more than 150 academic staffs and 200 supporting staffs under the faculty. The mission of the faculty is to advance engineering knowledge and learning through quality education and research in the pursuit of the fulfilling aspirations of the University and nation. The vision of the faculty is to be an internationally renowned Faculty of Engineering in research, innovation, publication and teaching. The faculty of Engineering offers advanced world-class facilities that cover a broad range of expertise. It encourages its students to explore subjects that sit outside the conventional constraints of engineering education, as well as those traditionally found in mainstream fields. At the heart of everything done is the need to empower its students to think creatively and challenge existing practice. Since its establishment, the faculty has been improving from year to year and it has managed to place itself as one of the top faculties in the world. This is proven through its achievement as top 50 faculties in QS World University rankings since 2019.
Vellore Institute of Technology
Vellore Institute of Technology(VIT) was founded in 1984 as Vellore Engineering College
by the Chancellor, Dr. G. Viswanathan. VIT attracts students from the all the states of
India and more than 51 different countries because of its academic excellence.
VIT has introduced many innovations in academic processes which adds value to every
student. FFCS (Fully Flexible Credit System), PBL (Project Based Learning) for better
learning, fully digitized academic portals that assist students in equipping which
kindles the interest and the curiosity of students, which moulds them to be better
problem solver, 8th module in every subject being handled by industrial experts,making
the students contextualize the concepts they study in the classroom, are a few of the
innovations that VIT has introduced.
The School of Electrical Engineering (SELECT) has over 101 faculty members who have done their UG and PG degrees from top-notch universities. The faculty members of this school are consistently doing well in teaching and research. Faculty members and students of SELECT frequently receive awards, prizes for outstanding research contributions in their respective fields. The school offers B.Tech. (Electrical and Electronics Engineering), B.Tech. (Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering), M.Tech. (Power Electronics and Drives) , M. Tech. (Control and Automation), M.Tech by Research and Ph.D. in Engineering. Both B.Tech. and M.Tech. programmes attract the brightest students from the country and abroad every year. The B.Tech. Electrical and Electronics Engineering and B.Tech. Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Programmes are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org. All UG & PG programmes of the school are accredited by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), U.K.
The placement record of the school has always been impressive. Almost 100% of the
students get job from the campus placement and many of them are getting it in core
companies every year. We encourage our students to do engineering projects during their
B.Tech and M.Tech degrees. The School has state-of-the art laboratories in almost all
the areas of Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering. The School has the
latest simulation tools to cater to various specializations and is equipped with
facilities for measurement, characterization and synthesis of experimental as well as
theoretical results. SELECT has industry sponsored advanced laboratories for doing
research. Danfoss Advance Drives Lab, Schneider Electric Smart Energy Monitoring Lab,
Q-Max Automated Test Engineering Lab(Alumni Sponsored Lab) and NxP Semiconductors,
India, have established Centre of Excellence for students R&D activities under the
guidance of faculty members and industry experts.
The School Electrical Engineering students are encouraged to take advantage of the
growing opportunities for incorporating an international internship experience into
their final year undergraduate and postgraduate education — now possible in numerous
countries across the globe during any phase of their undergraduate or graduate
experience. Every year, students get scholarships to do their final year projects abroad
under the Semester Abroad Program (SAP).
The establishment of Universitas Airlangga in 1954, hereinafter abbreviated as Unair, cannot be separated from the long journey of higher education in Indonesia. The forerunner of higher education in Indonesia was the “Dokter Djawa School” (Javanese Medical School), founded in Batavia in 1851.
In the course of history, the institution was reorganized into School Tot Opleiding van Indische Artsen (STOVIA) in 1902. Eleven years later, based on the Government Decree “Besluit van de Gouverneur van Netherlandsch Indie” Number 4211 dated 8 May 1913, a medical school was established in Surabaya, called the Netherlandsch Indische Artsen School (NIAS). Located at Jl. Kedungdoro 38 Surabaya, NIAS was inaugurated on 1 July 1913, while the education began on 15 July 1913. In 1928 the School Tot Opleiding van Indische Tandartsen (STOVIT) was established as a school for dentistry.
During the Japanese colonial period, both STOVIA in Jakarta and NIAS in Surabaya were closed in 1942, then merged into “Ika Dai Gaku“. After the end of Japanese rule in 1945, the Indonesian government took over and changed its name to the Indonesian Medical College. However, during the Dutch aggression, the college was closed, and in 1948 it was replaced with the Surabaya Branch of the Faculteit der Geneeskunde as a branch of the Faculty of Medicine, Universiteit Indonesia.
It was only then that based on Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 57 of 1954 concerning the Establishment of Universitas Airlangga, as of 1 November 1954, the Faculty of Medicine and the Institute of Dentistry in Surabaya were separated from their “parent” Universiteit Indonesia. On 10 November 1954, the President of the Republic of Indonesia Dr. Ir. Soekarno inaugurated the establishment of Universitas Airlangga as the third State University (PTN) in Indonesia after Universitas Indonesia and Gadjah Mada University.
At the time of its establishment, Universitas Airlangga as a pioneer state university in Eastern Indonesia consisted of five faculties, namely the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Dentistry, the Faculty of Law domiciled in Surabaya (as an UGM Branch), the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education located in Malang, and the Faculty of Letters. which was domiciled in Denpasar-Bali. Of the five founding faculties of Unair, two had existed before World War II, namely the Faculty of Medicine from NIAS in 1913, and the Faculty of Dentistry from STOVIT in 1928.
The name Airlangga was chosen because Airlangga, which means “The Preserver”, was a very famous king in the 11th Century. A knowledgeable and wise king, he was capable of uniting the regions in Eastern Indonesia.
In the course of time, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education in Malang transformed into the embryo of the establishment of the Teacher Training Institute for Education (IKIP) Malang, now the State University of Malang (UM). Meanwhile, the Faculty of Letters in Denpasar was then separated from Universitas Airlangga and became part of the history of the founding of Udayana University.
Universitas Airlangga continued to grow by adding new faculties, namely the Faculty of Economics (1961), originally the Surabaya College of Economics. Currently it is changed into the Faculty of Economics and Business. Faculty of Pharmacy (1964), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (1972), Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (1977), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (1982), which is currently the Faculty of Science and Technology, and Faculty of Postgraduate Studies (1982), later changed its name to Postgraduate Program and is currently the Graduate School. The Faculty of Non-Degree Health was founded in 1984, but was later abolished and integrated into the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Dentistry, and the Faculty of Public Health which was established in 1993.
Faculty of Psychology was founded in 1993, while Faculty of Letters in 1998 which since 2008 has been changed to Faculty of Humanities. Next, the Faculty of Nursing (2008) was established, developed from the Nursing Science Study Program at the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga. In 2008 the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences was established, developed from the Aquaculture Study Program at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. The Faculty of Vocational Studies was established in 2014. Previously, various vocational study programs (diploma) were administered under the coordination of other faculties.
The Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline (FTMM), which was originally called the Advanced Technology and Multidisciplinary School, was established in November 2019 with five undergraduate study programs, namely: Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Engineering, Data Science Technology, Nanotechnology Engineering, Industrial Engineering, and Electrical Engineering. The FTMM is to add the existing three main pillars of Universitas Airlangga (social sciences, life sciences, and health sciences) with a new pillar: engineering.
Universitas Airlangga obtained the status of State University (PTN) of State-Owned Legal Entity (BHMN) based on Government Regulation (PP) Number 30 of 2006 concerning the Designation of Universitas Airlangga as a State-Owned Legal Entity (BHMN). Then, based on Law No. 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education, Universitas Airlangga is among the seven PTN-BHMN that has the right to hold a status as a Legal Entity State University (PTN-BH). Furthermore, the statute of Universitas Airlangga was issued based on Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 30 of 2014 concerning the Statute of Universitas Airlangga.
Registration Fees
Category | in RM | in INR | in IDR | in USD |
Industry Professionals | 1300 | 25,000 | 4,700,000 | 300 |
Faculty / Academicians | 1000 | 20,000 | 3,800,000 | 250 |
Faculty / Academicians (IEEE Members) | 800 | 15,000 | 2,800,000 | 200 |
Research Scholars and UG/PG Students | 650 | 12,000 | 2,300,000 | 150 |
Research Scholars and UG/PG Students (IEEE members) | 550 | 10,000 | 1,900,000 | 120 |
Co-Authors / Participants | 200 | 4,000 | 750,000 | 40 |
*Registration fee includes GST (VIT, India) / Surcharge (UM, Malaysia)
Chief Patrons
Dr. G. Viswanathan, Chancellor, VIT
Professor Ir. Dr. Mohd Hamdi Bin Abd Shukor,
Vice-Chancellor, UM
Shri. Sankar Viswanathan, Vice-President, VIT
Dr. Sekar Viswanathan, Vice-President, VIT
Dr. G. V. Selvam, Vice-President, VIT
Dr. Sandhya Pentareddy, Executive Director, VIT
Ms. Kadhambari S. Viswanathan, Assistant Vice-President, VIT
Prof. Dr. V. S. Kanchana Bhaaskaran, Vice-Chancellor, VIT
Prof. Dr. Partha Sharathi Mallick, Pro Vice-Chancellor, VIT
Prof. Dr. T. Jayabarathi, Registrar, VIT
Apex Committee
Prof. Dr. N. Amutha Prabha, Associate Dean, SELECT, VIT
Prof. Dr. Thiruvenkadam, Head-EE, VIT
Prof. Dr. G. K. Rajini, Head-EIE, VIT
Dr. B. Jaganatha Pandian, Head-C & A, VIT
Prof. Dr. P. PonnambalamHead-PED, VIT
Organizing Chairs
Prof. Ir. Dr. Hazlie Mokhlis, Professor, UM
Prof. Dr. Mathew M. Noel, Dean, SELECT, VIT
Prof. Dr. Dwi Setyawan, UNAIR
Prof. Dr. Retna Apsari,UNAIR
Conference Chairs
Dr. Narendra Kumar Aridas,Professor, UM
Prof. Dr. Jacob Raglend I, Professor, VIT
Dr. Lilik Jamilatul Awalin,Professor, UNAIR
Conference Secretaries
Dr. Wong Jee Keen Raymond, Professor, UM
Prof. Dr. J. Belwin Edward, Professor, VIT
Dr. Muhammad Syahril Mubarok, Professor, UNAIR
Financial Chairs
Dr. Nurulafiqah Nadzirah Binti Mansor, Professor, UM
Prof. Dr. R. Thirumalaivasan, Asst. Dean - Academics, VIT
Dr. Imron MawardiProfessor, UNAIR
Publication Chairs
Dr. Noorhayati Binti Idros, UM
Dr. Anis Salwa Binti Mohd Khairuddin, UM
Dr. Azimah Binti Omar, UM
Prof. Dr. M. Janaki, VIT
Prof. J. Vanishree,VIT
Prof. D. Rama PrabhaVIT
Dr. Tahta Amrillah,UNAIR
Dr. Gunawan Setia Prihandana,UNAIR
Dr. Prastika,UNAIR
Sponsorship Chairs
Dr. Mohd Faiz Bin Mohd Salleh, UM
Prof. Dr. K. Palanisamy, Asst. Director-Estates, VIT
Dr. Prihartini Widiyanti, UNAIR
International Relation Chairs
Dr. Effariza Binti Hanafi, UM
Dr. Mohammad Aminul Islam, UM
Prof. Dr. Monica Subashini, Asst. Director, R & A, VIT
Dr. Mirza Ardella SaputraUNAIR
Dr. SuhailaUNAIR
Technical Chairs
Dr. Chandrawati Putri Wulandari,UNAIR
Dr. Ilma Amalina, UNAIR
Registration Chairs
Dr. Septia Devi Prihastuti Yasmirullah, UNAIR
Hospitality Chairs
Dr. Agus Mukhlisin, UNAIR
Dr. Joko, UNAIR
Local Arrangement Chairs
Dr. Maryamah, UNAIR
Yoga Uta N, UNAIR
Programme Committee
Prof. Dr. K. Ravi, VIT
Prof. Dr. B. Saravanan, VIT
Prof. Dr. V. Indiragandhi, VIT
Dr. P. Anbarasan, VIT
Dr. N. Arun, VIT
Dr. S. Albert Alexander, VIT
Prof. K. Gokulakrishnan, VIT
Dr. R. M. Brisilla, VIT
Dr. V. Sankardoss, VIT
Paper Submission

Paper Submission
- Prospective authors are encouraged to submit papers (including all
text, figures, and references) through Microsoft Conference Management Toolkit.
Paper Submission - Authors must strictly adhere with the IEEE format while preparing
your manuscript.
Paper Template - All submitted paper will go through plagiarism check process.
- Manuscript should not contain embedded links, scanned images, header and footer.
- Email submissions will not be accepted.
- Concession for multiple paper submission
• 10% concession in registration fees for second paper.
• 20% concession in registration fees for third paper.
- All queries related to the conference shall be addressed to
Important Links
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Contact Us
Dr. Narendra Kumar Aridas
Conference Chair, i-PACT2025, UM, Malaysia
Dr. I. Jacob Raglend
Conference Chair, i-PACT2025, VIT, Vellore
Dr. Lilik Jamilatul Awalin
Conference Chair, i-PACT2025, UNAIR, Indonesia
Dr. Wong Jee Keen Raymond
Conference Secretary, i-PACT2025, UM, Malaysia
Dr. J. Belwin Edward
Conference Secretary, i-PACT2025, VIT, Vellore
Dr. Muhammad Syahril Mubarok
Conference Secretary, i-PACT2025, UNAIR, Indonesia
Dr. Nurulafiqah Nadzirah Binti Mansor
Finance Chair, i-PACT2025, UM, Malaysia
Dr. R. Thirumalaivasan
Finance Chair, i-PACT2025, VIT, Vellore
Dr. Imron Mawardi
Finance Chair, i-PACT2025, UNAIR, Indonesia