Page 12 - SSS Report 2020
P. 12

  It was overall good. I think seeing the current scenario, university should focus on Industrial
                     based learning. Coming to my branch ECE, the core opportunities for B.Tech is very less.

                   VIT  helps  provide  students  with  a  lot  of  exposure  and  healthy  competition.  I  would
                     however suggest that individual attention is required to support better growth.

                   For me University has not only given a great career but it helped me during my big accident
                     by aiding me and saving my life. Everything provided in VIT was world-class infrastructure.
                     The faculties are highly experienced and have very good knowledge.

                   It has been an honour for me to study in such a prestigious institution. I have learned more
                     than just the academic curriculum.

                   Really loved and enjoyed as a student in my university and education is the best we got.
                     Only  we  have  struggled  with  the  VTOP  course  registration  and  paper  shuffling  system
                     because they keep on changing every academic year. Maintain the same system.

                   My overall experience was very good and more than anticipated. There is no department
                     or issue about which some problem or incompetency may be pointed out. I would conclude
                     that VIT is one of the best universities not just in India but globally.

                   I would appreciate if there was more practical approach to the subject

                   It has been quite good. I would have liked to socialize a little bit better. We can do more lab
                     oriented classes for some mechanical courses. I am overall satisfied but there is room for

                   It was a great experience to be a part of VIT. With time I have found the institute's facilities
                     and systems to be very similar to international universities, and this will make my transition
                     easier. My time here has helped me grow in a lot of ways.

                   VIT has given immense opportunity to learn and explore within and beyond the syllabus. All
                     the facilities available help me improve my knowledge theoretically as well as practically.
                     Faculties have been shared their knowledge at the best.

                   It  was  a  wholesome  experience  to  have  studied  at  such  an  esteemed  university.  I  will
                     forever be grateful for the opportunity. I will always cherish the fond memories that I made
                     here in Vellore. I will really miss my college life.
                   Good but need to give some time for the sports and other cultural activities.

                   It is well structured university, and am proud to say that i was one of the part of it. It was a
                     very  good  experience  both  academically  and  socially  inside  the  campus.  Thank  you  for
                     everything VIT!!!

                     12   Vellore Institute of Technology - Students’ Satisfaction Survey 2020
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