P. 3

2019-20      0                                         Total no. of credits transferred to transcript  2019-20  Utilised Amount 24321245 (Two Crore Forty Three Lakh Twenty One Thousand 588778004 (Fifty Eight Crore Eighty Seven Lakh Seventy Eight 4100478 (Forty One Lakh Four Hundred and Seventy Eight)

                   135  163                                                 2678  0                    Two Hundred and Forty Five)  Thousand and Four)
                                    2019-20        Students were encouraged to take up university elective courses in the NPTEL Swayam Platform. Course coordinators were assigned to guide the students in the online course. Examination fees were reimbursed to the students who successfully Non-Graded course- Ethics and Values was offered as an online course using the VITOL platform. Course materials were uploaded on the VITOL platform, and students were encouraged to access

                2020-21                                      conducted to evaluate the students' performance.  Total no. of online courses which have credit transferred  to the transcript  2020-21  Utilised Amount  44201502 (Four Crore Forty Two Lakh One Thousand Five 166853459 (Sixteen Crore Sixty Eight Lakh Fifty Three 3958151 (Thirty Nine Lakh Fifty Eight Thousand One Hundred

                                                      completed the courses.                           Hundred and Two)  Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty Nine)

     2951  834 No. of Ph.D students graduated (including Integrated Ph.D)  215  184 PG (Student pursuing MD/MS/DNB program till 2021-22 Students admitted in the academic year 2022 - 23 should not be entered here)  No. of students Graduating in PG (MD/MS/DNB) program  0  Yes  0  0  184  3  0  Annual Capital Expenditure on Academic Activities and Resources (excluding expenditure on buildings)  and Fifty One)

                2021-22      Number of students pursuing PG (MD/MS/DNB) program  2020-21  No. of students offered online courses which have credit transferred to transcript  2021-22  Utilised Amount  4272846 (Forty Two Lakh Seventy Two Thousand Eight 152746414 (Fifteen Crore Twenty Seven Lakh Forty Six Thousand Four Hundred Fourteen) 3942784 (Thirty Nine Lakh forty Two Thousand Seven hundred

                                                                            1089  5861                 Hundred Forty Six)  eighty Four)
                                       0                                                 Financial Resources: Utilised Amount for the Capital expenditure for previous 3 years

                                    2021-22     1. Does all programs/courses were completed on time. 2. Measures taken to complete the syllabus of courses and programs.  3. The period of delay in completion of syllabus (in months). 4. The period of delay in conducting exams (in months).  Portal Name  5. No. of courses developed and available online on Swayam platform  by your institution faculty  Academic Year

                                             Online Education                                              New Equipment for Laboratories  Engineering Workshops

     Full Time  Part Time  Full Time  Part Time  0                          Swayam  VITOL             Library
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8