Page 7 - FEEDBACK ANALYSIS 2019-2020
P. 7


                                              Vcllorc Institute of Technology
                                              l1litf'1tt\'ll 11, t_. 11111\T'"'')  uu,lt• 11n•lf1>11 \  111 l llll' l\d .  It.IV'•}

                                       VIT School of Design (V-SIGN)
                                       B.Sc. Multimedia & Animation

                                   Alumni Feedback Analysis (2019-2020)

                                          Feedback Parameters

                  1.  The curriculum and syllabus content were appropriate for my placement /
                     higher education
                  2.  Sufficient number of co-curricular activities were arranged during my
                     study period
                  3.  The institute-industry tie ups were useful for me
                  4.  The institute/ faculty helped me in placement/ higher education
                  5.  The institute offers sufficient scholarships to merit students and
                     deserving students
                  6.  The learning ambience at the institute is good
                  7.  The institute provides sufficient opportunity to participate in
                     extracurricular activities
                  8.  The curriculum accommodates courses with experiential learning (hands-on)
                  9.  All the academic processes of the institute is transparent
                  10. The institute is student-centric in all its academic initiatives

                                   Alumni Feedback Analysis AY 2019-20

                           5.0  ,--,--------------------
                         a,  3.5
                         ~ 3.0
                         'i:  2.5
                         g_  2.0
                         U')  1.5
                                 1    2    3     4    5    6    7    8    9    10
                                             Questionaire in Number

                                                                             Dean V-StGN
              o,. Lz.,kchml Prlyo 0 0
           Ho(l(J CJf It,,, CJepu11mcn1 • Mulllmodl11                        Dr. S. Saleem Ahmed
                                                                               ·Profess'or & Dean
            VIT £;,:tioc.,f of CJoolun 1v-e1w I)                           VJT School ol Design (V-SIGN)
           VQllr,rti lnttlfutr, ot ·roctmolcJCJY
                                                                         Vellore Institute ofTechnology (VJT)
           (f,'""110!At/lNV:/.f~  ll'ltA l<Jr.. ur.c,a, W/,J                 Vellore- 632014, INDIA
                  VIJll<JIO  • U~l~ OM
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12