Page 4 - SSS-Report-2023
P. 4

S.No                          Parameter                           5    4    3    2    1

                        Teachers inform you about the Program Educational
                        Objectives, Programme outcomes , Course outcomes and the
                        competencies & skill set you are expected to acquire during
                        your course of study

                        Teachers use ICT-enabled tools including online resources for
                        effective teaching learning process

                        Student centric methods, such as experiential learning,
                  5.    participative learning and problem solving methodologies are
                        used for enhancing learning experience

                        The teacher assesses the learning levels of the students and
                  6.    organises special programs to cater to differential learning
                        needs of the student

                        Fairness in the assessment processes (CAT, FAT, Quiz,
                        Assignments, etc.)

                        Opportunities for students to participate in field projects /
                        research projects / internships, semester abroad program

                        The institution provides multiple opportunities to learn and
                        grow (guest lectures, seminars, workshop, value added
                        programmes, conferences, competitions, online courses of
                        MOOCS / SWAYAM / e_Pathshala/ NPTEL, etc.,)

                  10.   The overall quality of the teaching-learning process

                2. Infrastructure:

                 S.No                         Parameter                            5    4    3    2    1

                  1.    Classroom Facilities

                  2.    Laboratory Facilities

                  3.    Project labs / Research facilities

                  4.    Library Reading Material and Digital Resources

                  5.    Computer and  Internet Facility

                  6.    Learning Management System (V-TOP)

                  7.    Sports Facility

                  8.    Food Outlets/Canteens

               |Students Satisfaction Survey 2023  | Version 1.2 |                           |Page 4 of 17 |
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