Page 5 - best-practice-2019-20
P. 5

4.  The Practice
               Uniqueness The egateway access portal facility customized for on and off campus access

               was designed and implemented for the first time in our country.  RemoteXs is a cloud-based

               service that provides a single portal for accessing a  variety of e-content, remote
               access authentication with one login for all content, the allocation of fixed IP addresses for

               institutions, and usage statistics for all e-resources.

               Constraints Some selective e-resources such as Scifinder Scholar, CMIE, etc have special
               access permission (requires individual patron  registration  in their portal). These  are  the

               tedious tasks for accessing through the cloud IP addresses. The other challenging issue was
               the accessing of the content from the Library Stand-alone server through the egateway portal

               (like British Euro Codes, Web OPAC and Institutional Repositories etc). This is solved now.

               5. Evidence of Success Good feedback from our end-users and members as they access both
               on and off  campus. Members can save their  time during the daytime schedule  and hence

               research outcome of the institute has improved.  Because entire traffic is routed from

               egateway cloud-based servers so the monthly normal usage is around 100GB of research data
               download on an average.

               6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required In rare cases, technical issues occurred
               at the publisher’s end, and was reflected the egateway portal.  The number of footfalls has

               decreased to a considerable extent.

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