Publications & proceedings
Call for papers
The participants are requested to submit the extended abstracts including manuscript title, author(s), affiliation(s) and contact details, with a clear indication of research work, methodology, major results and conclusion. For further details - Register Here (Registration Procedure)
The committee will evaluate the full paper (or abstracts) and will decide whether the paper will be presented as oral or poster. The mode of presentation will be updated in the first week of November on the website.
Publications & proceedings
ICNAN ’19 encourages original and unpublished work. extended abstracts will be published in digital proceedings with online ISBN number. Based on the scope and quality of the work, the accepted full papers will be assigned to any of the following Scopus Indexed Journals. The timely submitted full papers to ICNAN’19 will be evaluated by the committee for its originality and subjected to the regular peer-review process by the assigned journals.

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (TR IF: 4.229)
Nanotechnology (TR IF: 3.404)
Articles submitted for consideration for publication in Nanotechnology will be subjected to peer review according the journal's policy. Information about the journal and its scope can be found here:
Diamond and Related Materials (TR IF: 2.232)
Materials Research Express (TR IF:1.151) fitting the scope of Materials Research Express (MRX) will be selected and those authors will be encouraged to send their paper to MRX. These submissions will be subjected to peer review as per the journal's policy.

International Journal of Nanotechnology (TR IF:0.454) Journals will be updated soon