Page 12 - SSS-Report-2023
P. 12
3. Important Suggestions from Students & Proposed
Action Plan
S.No Suggestions Proposed Action
Placement rules and protocols can be much Career Development Cell provides good support
more simplified and student can contact help desk any time.
Physical Education Department is encouraging all
the students and various sports activity is
2. Improve sports facility
conducted and informed through mail to the
For curriculum revision, we get information from
Curriculum update according to the latest
3. industry experts we offer courses based on the
industry standards
The experience of course registration (FFCS) The FFCS on course registration is now designed
could be improved to reduce the delay/lag during registration
The observation received from students has
PAT authorities could communicate better been conveyed to CDC (previously PAT) and
for students' doubts and grievances. measures have been taken to reduce the
communication gap
Academics can include more hands on
Workshops and Value Added Programs are
6. experience on cutting edge and disruptive
organized by school to improve the skill sets
Teaching - Industry expert guest lectures and
The faculty members are conducting Industry
7. contemporary world issues should be taken
guest lectures regularly.
care as they are mentioned in every subject
but rarely considered.
Based on the number of students, additional
Adequate call capacity to cater more
8. electives, that meet the industrial demands, will
students interested in an elective
be offered
|Students Satisfaction Survey 2023 | Version 1.2 | |Page 12 of 17 |