P. 8


                     Zumba, created by Colombian choreographer Alberto "Beto" Pérez during the 1990s

              has become a famous exercise fitness regime among Indians as well. We invited Ms. Sunitha,
              from  “Platinie's  Dance  club”,  Vellore  for  a  preliminary  session  on  the  evening  of  19
              September, 2019 so as to give an introductory eye opener to our students. Platinie's dance club

              also periodically trains faculty, staff and students at VIT.

                     It was fun to see our students dance for many western and some bollywood songs as

              well. It was a full-fledged enjoyable event for the students and they were so sparkling in sweat

              at  the  end  of  the  program. Who  doesn't  love  to  be  fit?  More  than  200  students  actively
              participated and benefitted from the event. The event was a big hit and students were so

              motivated and impressed that they also enrolled for the regular weekend classes with the

              trainer. Hope the participants remember the steps and routinely practice the same.

             Let's burn the fat

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