Page 12 - Strategic Plan 2016-25
P. 12

A C T I O N   P O I N T S
                 Nurture  a  inter/multi-disciplinary/transdisciplinary  research  culture  and
                 Global and international collaboration with distinctive  prominence on niche
                 areas of research of global  implication.
                 Develop translation of research into products and processes that  will impact
                 Escalate the research budget allotted per faculty member.

                 Upsurge the number of research-active faculty members and improve research
                 Cultivate  broader,  highly  collaborative  and  innovative  partnerships  though
                 consortiums  or  hubs  capable  of  offering  multi-faceted  solutions  to    intricate
                 Emphasize publication quality in evaluation of staff research performance.
                 Promote  an  incentive  scheme  for  publications  in  very  high  impact  factor
                 journals such as Nature, Science, etc.
                 To  promote  and  enable  aspiring  researchers  by  supporting  their  research
                 Augment the  prospects and support for early-career researchers.
                 Recognize  and    exploit  new  avenues  and  core  research  areas  of  global
                 precedence to pump in research grants from various sources.
                 Reinforce  university-wide    capability  for    translational  research,  technology
                 transfer and economic development.
                 Increase opportunities for under graduate and post graduate student and post-
                 doc participation in research.
                 Launch a research park  braced by industries and collaborators.
                 Develop and  fortify global partnerships in  vital regions of the world with
                 outstanding institutions that align with VIT’s academic priorities.

             4 .   A P P L I E D   R E S E A R C H   F O R   N A T I O N A L   I N T E R E S T

                  VIT has created 10 research Centres which are fully functional in various
             disciplines in  Science, Engineering and Technology. These Centres have been
             focusing on 3 broad categories viz.,

                 (1) Fundamental research, characterized by basic research as evidenced  by
                 high quality publications and its impact.

                 (2)  Translational  research,  measured  by  products,  services,  patents  and
                 technology transfers.

                 (3) Research of social relevance, which impacts society directly in terms of
                 environment  friendly  technologies  including  safe  drinking  water,  sanitation,
                 organic  farming,  clean  energy  (solar  energy,  green  fuels  etc),  disaster
                 management and mitigation.
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