1. R. Anjali and S. Shanthakumar, "Simultaneous degradation of amoxicillin, ciprofloxacin and acetaminophen in a mixture by ozonation: Kinetics and mechanisms pathway”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 378, 134509, 2022.
2. R. Ricky, S. Shanthakumar and K. M. Gothandam "A pilot-scale study of the integrated phycoremediation-photolytic ozonation based municipal solid waste leachate treatment process", Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 323, 116237, 2022.
3. Ashwin Jacob, B. Ashok, S. Shanthakumar, L. Jino, A. Karthikeyan, R. Kavvampally and I. Raja, “Formulation of optimal bioenergy mixtures from phototrophic and heterotrophic cultures of S. quadricauda and C. pyrenoidosa microalgal strains”, Renewable Energy, Vol. 197, pp 695-708, 2022.

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