Research Centers
Research Centers
VIT has always been a research –oriented and innovation driven university. This stems from VIT’s firm belief in creative thinking. Henceforth, Research Centres are also made a part of schools to give an opportunity to students to participate in exciting research projects. Automotive research, Crystal Research, Survey Research centre are some of the integral research centres here.

List of Centers
- Automotive Research Centre(ARC)
- Centre for Functional Materials(CFM)
- Centre for NanoBiotechnology (CNBT)
- CO2 Research and Green Technologies Centre
- Centre for Biomaterials, Cellular and Molecular Theranostics (CBCMT)
- Technology Information Forecasting and assessment Council (TIFAC)
- Centre for Clean Environment (CCE)
- Centre for Innovative Manufacturing Research (CIMR)
- Centre for Nanotechnology Research (CNR)
- Centre for Bio Separation Technology (CBST)
- Centre for Disaster Mitigation & Management (CDMM)