Centre for Biomaterials, Cellular and Molecular Theranostics

Centre for Biomaterials, Cellular and Molecular Theranostics (CBCMT)

Patient specific 3D / 4D Printing for Disease Diagnosis and Tissue Replacement.

Centre for Bio Materials, Cellular and Molecular Theranostics (CBCMT) was established in the year 2013 under the able leadership of Prof. Geetha Manivasagam is an integral part of VIT. This interdisciplinary research center works on cutting edge science at the interface of physical, biological, chemical and engineering sciences. The research team comprise of material scientists, metallurgists, physicists, electrical engineers, bioengineers, chemists, biologists and clinicians, who work together to address the unmet needs in the areas of biomaterials, cellular and molecular theranostics. Some of the key focus areas include bone tissue engineering, biocorrosion and biomechanics, cardiac tissue engineering, corneal tissue regeneration, drug discovery and delivery, quantum dots for theranostics, sensors for microbial detection and implant health monitoring, stem cell delivery.


CBCMT thrives to be a Centre for Excellence in translational biomedical innovations to address global healthcare challenges


To develop and accelerate biomedical innovations through multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research aided with human-biology based model systems

Core Values
  • Quality - Excellent research with translational impact
  • Growth - Innovation, continued development and improved performance
  • Integrity - Maintaining highest standard of ethics in research
  • Accountability - Social and scientific responsibility

We are happy to have our PhD freshers induction program on 18-01-2023 at our CBCMT. We welcome our newbies to our family to learn with us, grow with us, and shine to fly out with beautiful colours. CBCMT motivates our scholars to be crazy enough to think and curious to know and creative enough to apply them to make their scientific journey more interesting. With this note we welcome our scholars and wish them all the best for their wonderful journey of seeking knowledge ahead with us!





Academic Faculties

Centre for Biomaterials, Cellular and Molecular Theranostics...

CBCMT is equipped with high-end instruments to carry out experiments ranging from materials synthesis, material processing, characterizations as well as advanced tissue culture facilities. The recent addition to this center, HOME (Human Organ Manufacturing and Engineering) Lab is an advanced 3D bioprinting facility equipped with two high-end Cellink BioX bioprinter, few basic bioprinters, and a high-end Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy Facility. With this addition, centre is better positioned to fabricate 3D organoids, tissue mimics, which will also be one of the key focus areas in coming years.The ongoing projects of the center are funded by both national and international funding agencies. The center also has a strong research collaboration with scientists from leading research laboratories within India as well as across the globe.



Video Gallery

  • Dr. Paulo the Associate Dean Research from UNESP, Brazil, talks about his first visit to VIT.
  • Dr. Ketul. C. Popat an adjunct professor from USA working in collaboration with CBCMT in the field of Ti-based medical implants sharing his experience at VIT


Dr. Amit Kumar Jaiswal

Professor & Director
Centre for Biomaterials, Cellular and Molecular Theranostics [CBCMT]

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