Centre for Biomaterials, Cellular and Molecular Theranostics (CBCMT)

Home Lab

In continuation of the efforts by the institute in promoting excellence in research, VIT in collaboration with Shenzhen University, China has established another state of the art facility under the acronym ‘HOME’ (Human Organ Manufacturing and Engineering) laboratory under the aegis of Centre for Biomaterials, Cellular and Molecular Theranostics (CBCMT) which is dedicated to 3D bio-printing research for engineering a wide variety of personalized human tissues especially cornea, heart, bone and skin. 

HOME is an integral part of VIT and a centralized trans-disciplinary research facility for the development of engineered human tissue and organ mimics relevant to clinical needs with potential to market them in future. HOME has been established with generous funding from VIT and supportive funding from Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India and Research Council of Norway. HOME boasts state of art bio-printing facility with sophisticated 3D bioprinting instruments from Cellink Sweden, Alkatek, India along with integrated organ culture and confocal imaging facility from Olympus, Japan.

The center is better positioned to fabricate 3D organoids and tissue mimics, which will be also be one of the key focus areas in coming years. The ongoing projects of the center are funded by both national and international funding agencies. The center also has a strong research collaboration with scientists from leading research laboratories within India as well as across the globe. Dr.Murugan Ramalingam, a research faculty with HOME recently bagged a project entitled “Optimization of stem cell-laden smart biomaterials for 3D bioprinting of human cornea” in collaboration with Oslo University, Norway for DST-RCN.

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