Centre for Biomaterials, Cellular and Molecular Theranostics (CBCMT)

Video Gallery

Dr. Paulo Lisboa

Dr. Paulo the Associate Dean Research from UNESP, Brazil, talks about his first visit to VIT.

Dr. Ketul C. Popat

Dr. Ketul. C. Popat an adjunct professor from USA working in collaboration with CBCMT in the field of Ti-based medical implants sharing his experience at VIT

Indo Austria Research Collaboration

Ms. Basak Gumus, from Joanneum Research Austria, shares her experience about Indo Austria Research Collaboration under DST in VIT Vellore.

Dr. Beata Kaczmarek

Dr. Beata Kaczmarek, Szczepańska Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland visited VIT as an adjunct Professor from July 2019 to October 2019

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We came to know that some fake websites are misusing our VITEEE name. Kindly be aware of fraud websites. Please visit only https://vit.ac.in for admissions.