Centre for Biomaterials, Cellular and Molecular Theranostics (CBCMT)


Extramural projects

1. Hydrogel Loaded 3D-Printed Hybrid Bone Graft for Reconstruction of Segmental Bone Defect DST-SERB 2021-22 Dr. Amitkumar Jaiswal 28,34,120/-
2. Development of in vitro Tissue-Engineered Model for Giant Cell Tumor of Long Bones BRNS 2020-21 Dr. Amitkumar Jaiswal 24,60,000/-
3. Investigation on the Mechanism of Mucoadhesion and Transcytosis of Microglial Exosomes and its Biomimetic Nanoconstructs for Nose-to-Brain Delivery of Peptide Therapeutics DBT-Ramalingaswamy Re-entry Fellowship Grant 2020-21 Dr. Arunkumar Pitchaimani 1,13,60,000/-
4. Bioactive, Three Dimensional Sponge-Type Silk-Silica Composite Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering DST-SERB 2021-22 Dr. Sushma kumari 23,68,000/-
5. Design, development, and surface engineering of additively manufactured low modulus coaxial porous Ti-6Al-4V GYVO (Gyroid and Voronoi) structures for orthopedic applications TATA-VIT 2021-22 Dr. Geetha Manivasagam 34,50,000/-
6. Low-cost paper based disposable sensor for CEA (Carcino Embryonic Antigen) detection for cancer screening VIT 2020-21 Dr. Josephnathanael 2,00,000/-
7. Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) coated green synthesized carbon dots (CQDs) based nanocomposites as point of use (PoU) platform for the specific detection of heavy metal ions in water VIT 2020-22 Dr. Arunkumar Palaniappan 1,50,000/-
8. Natural Bone inspired design and 3D printing of bone implants DBT 2020-21 Dr. Cheirmadurai Kalirajan 1080000
9. Development of Alginate silver nanocomposite embedded with adipose derived stem cells for the healing of deep burn wounds LSRB, DRDO 2020-21 Dr. Raunak Kumar Das (CO-PI) 3812000
10. Four dimensional (4D) bioprinting of smart nanocomposite artificial bone ECM with shape memory and programmable therapeutic delivery functions DBT Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowship 2019-20 Dr. Joseph Nathanael 11360000
11. Ligand Targeted PROTAC Conjugates: Chemically Induced Degradation of Disease-causing Kinases by a PROteolysis TArgeting Chimera’s (PROTACs) coupled with tumor targeting Ligands DST 2019-20 Prof. Loganathan rangasamy 3604832
12. Design and fabrication of 3D printed gold nanorods loaded vascularized conducting starch composite-based cardiac patch- An attempt to make an indigenous engineered cardiac patch DST 2019-20 Dr. Arun Kumar Palaniappan 2737372
13. Design, fabrication and testing of portable, high-sensitivity aptasensors for one-step viral diagnostics DST 2019-20 Dr. Murugan Ramalingam 1694000
14. Development of Porous Titanium based implants for osteoporotic bone by rapid manufacturing and its chemical and biomechanical evaluations. DST 2014-15 Dr. Geetha Manivasagam 1462000
15. Study of the High Cycle Fatigue (HCF) Behavior of Beta Titanium Alloy Til 5-3. DRDO 2014-15 Dr. Geetha Manivasagam 1351000
16. Investigations on artificially produced urinary stones composed of natural materials DST 2006-07 Dr. N. Arunai Nambiraj 1821441
17. Targeted microRNA Based Gene SilencingTherapeutics: Exploiting the Synergy between Targeting Ligands and Cell-Penetrating Peptides? DBT Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowship 2020-25 Dr. Loganathan Rangasamy 11360000
18. Liquid feedstack plasma sprayed nanostructured layers on 3D printed porous Ti6AI4V implants impregnated with stem cells in collagen hydrogel for accelerated osseointegration Indo-Swedan 2020-23 Dr. Geetha Manivasagam Dr. Arunkumar Palaniappan 3783000
19. Functionalization of new titanium alloys after ECAP processing and surface treatment BRICS 2020-23 Dr. Murugan Ramalingam Dr. Geetha Manivasagam
20. Optimization of stem cell-laden smart biomaterials for 3D bio printing of human cornea DST-RCN (Norway) 2020-23 Dr. Murugan Ramalingam 45,54,268
21. Design and development of an affordable gait training device DST 2019-20 Dr. Mohan Varma D. S. 2515270
22. A Gradient Approach for Engineering Interfacial Tissue Constructs using mesenchymal stem cells suitable for Osteochondral therapy DST 2019-20 Dr. Murugan Ramalingam Dr. Geetha Manivasagam 2658120
23. Enhancement of biocompatibility and wear resistance of orthopaedic beta titanium alloy Ti-35nb-7zr-5ta by nano-surface modification CSIR 2019-20 Dr. Geetha Manivasagam 527000
24. Tumor specific inhibition of NF-kB: A potential gene therapy approach for treating Glioblastoma DBT 2018-21 Dr. Dwaipayan Sen 4287600
25. Engineering Superhemophobic nanostructured surfaces on superelastic Ni-free Ti based alloys for stent applications Indo-German 2018-19 Dr. Geetha Manivasagam 888000
26. Effect of shot peening and laser shock peening on fatigue behavior Ti-15V-3Al-3Sn-sCr ISRO 2018-19 Dr. Geetha Manivasagam 1866000
27. 15. Controlled drug delivery to prevent bacterial adhesion and enhace ossteoconduction of Ti alloys used in spinal application by tailoring the surface with nanopores Indo-Austria 2017-18 Dr. Geetha Manivasagam 648500
28. Protection against neurodegenerative diseases through secreted trophic factors of human umbilical cord derived stromal cells. 2018-20 Dr. Durai Murugam Muniswami Dr. Dwaipayan Sen 19,20,000
29. Fibrous matrix-hydrogel double layered synthetic human skin substitute for full-thickness burn wounds. DST 2017-20 Dr.Amit Kumar Jaiswal  Niroj Sahu and Dr.Arunai Nambiraj 39,91,600
30. Potential neuroprotective effect of the delta opiod peptide ICMR 2017-20 Dr Dwaipayan Sen 27,24,500
31. Transplantation of MSC derived DA neurons promote functional Recovery in Amounts a murine PD model DST 2017-19 Dr Venkatesh Katari Dr Dwaipayan Sen 19,20,000

VIT Funding

1 Ligand Targeted PROTAC Conjugates: Chemically Induced Degradation of Disease-causing Kinases by a PROteolysisTArgetingChimera’s (PROTACs) Coupled with Tumor Targeting Ligands VIT 2020-21 Prof. Loganathan rangasamy 150000
2 Photodynamic Therapy using Red Fluorescent Graphene Quantum Dots VIT 2020-21 Prof. Satyaprakash ahirwar 150000
3 3D printed tissue equivalent kidney phantom for urinary stone characterization VIT 2020-21 Dr.N.Arunai Nambiraj 150000
4 Nanoengineered multifunctional cardiac patch for the treatment of myocardial infarction VIT 2020-21 Dr.Arunkumar Palaniappan 100000
5 3D bioprinting of vascularised liver tissue equivalent using stem cells and nano gels VIT 2019-20 Dr. Murugan Ramalingam 100000
6 Development of a biomaterial scaffold as an in vitro model of giant cell tumour of long bones VIT 2018-19 Dr. Amit Kumar Jaiswal 200000
7 A Gradient Approach for Engineering Interfacial Tissue Constructs using Mesenchymal Stem Cells suitable for Osteochondral Therapy VIT 2018-19 Dr. Murugan Ramalingam 150000
8 Novel peptide-modified chitosan-PVA-HA electrospun matrix system to promote angiogenesis with antibacterial effect for skin wound healing applications VIT 2018-19 Dr. Sunita Nayak 150000
9 Development of Tissue Engineered Scaffolds for Reconstruction of Giant Cell Tumor Resected Bone Defects VIT 2017-18 Dr. Amit Kumar Jaiswal 150000
10 Cytomodulin functionalized poly chitosan-hyaluronic acid nanofiber based skin graft substitute doped with Neem oil nano formulations: In vitro and in vivo investigation of its angiogenic and antimicrobial effects for wound healing applications VIT 2017-18 Dr. Sunita Nayak 150000
11 Engineering Superhemophobic nanostructured surfaces on superelastic Ni-free Ti based alloys for stent applications VIT 2017-18 Dr. Geetha Manivasagam 100000
12 Cis-Dichlorodiaminoplatinum (II), Antineoplastic Drug, Conjugated with Resorbable Polymer Repurposed as Antibiofilm agent coupled with Antibiotics for in situ Management of Diabetic Osteomyelitis: In vitro and rodent model based study VIT 2017-18 Dr. Debasish Mishra 150000
14 Indigenisation of porous Ti-6Al-4V implant for bone fracture VIT 2016-17 Dr. Geetha Manivasagam 300000
15 Inferring the potential positive effect VIT 2016-17 Dr. Dwaipayan Sen 200000
16 Induction of EMT in primary oral epithelial cells and HaCaT cells through exosomes derived from HPV infected cell lines VIT 2016-17 Dr. Raunak Kumar Das 200000
17 Transcriptome/miRNAome signature change in delta opioid agonist induced survival of murine mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) ex vivo- implications in cardiac regeneration following myocardial infarction VIT 2016-17 Dr. Dwaipayan Sen 300000
18 Effect of shot peening and Laser/shock peening on Low Cycle Fatigue behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V(Grade 5) alloy and Ti-6Al-4V-ELI /Grade 23 Alloy VIT 2016-17 Dr. Geetha Manivasagam 280000

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