Centre for Biomaterials, Cellular and Molecular Theranostics (CBCMT)

Extramural Events Organised

1. AY202021 Building Academic Entrepreneurship and Start-Ups: Basic Scientist’s, Clinician’s and Entrepreneur’s Perspectives 14-12-2020 18-12-2020 100 16735 – Loganathan rangasamy FDP
2. AY202021 Current trends and challenges in 3d bioprinting technology 2020 5/7/2020 5/7/2020 100 16696 – Arunkumar palaniappan, 13709 – Sunita nayak Seminar
3. AY202021 Inauguration of Confoccal Microscope Facility at HOME Lab 2020 Inauguration
4. AY202021 Interview on the RISE of 3D Printing against CORONAVIRUS(Covid-19) 2020 Dr.Murugan Ramalingam Interview
5. AY202021 3D Printing to play a major role in mitigating the spread of COVID-19 2020 Interview
6. AY202021 Corona Virus and Medicines – Kalainar Channel 2020 16735 – Loganathan rangasamy Interview
7. AY201920 Current innovations and future therapeutic developmentss 1/6/2020 3/6/2020 999 Conference
8. AY201920 Current innovations and the future of therapeutic developments 1/6/2020 3/6/2020 600 16735 – loganathan rangasamy, 10597 – Geetha manivasagam, 13709 – Sunita nayak Conference
9. AY201920 BID FEST 2020 11/3/2020 12/3/2020 100 13735 – Debasish Mishra, 12600 – Jabez Osborne W, 13709 – Sunita Nayak Thons
10. AY201920 NDRF national space challenge 2020 19-01-2020 19-01-2020 100 10398 – Arunai Nambiraj N Thons
11. AY201920 NDRF national space challenge 2020 19-01-2020 19-01-2020 75 10398 – Arunai Nambiraj N Workshop
12. AY201920 Women-in-Science-and-Engineering” (WiSE) held at IIT Kanpur – Virtual Talk 2019 10597 – Geetha manivasagam Inauguration
13. AY201819 Indo italy virtual conference on cell tissue and organ engineering 8/3/2019 8/3/2019 30 15843 – Murugan R Conference
14. AY201819 Indo china virtual conference on advances in biomaterials research 11/1/2019 11/1/2019 40 15843 – Murugan R Conference
15. AY201819 Two days hands on workshop on medical and biological image analysis 3/12/2018 3/12/2018 30 15843 – Murugan R Workshop
16. AY201819 Indo korea virtual conference on regenerative engineering and medicine 1/11/2018 1/11/2018 40 15843 – Murugan R Conference
17. AY201819 One day hands on workshop on 3D bioprinting 17-10-2018 17-10-2018 30 15843 – Murugan R Workshop
18. AY201819 Half a day FDP on confocal laser scanning microscopy principles and applications 6/8/2018 6/8/2018 30 15843 – Murugan R FDP
19. AY201819 BIOMET2018 24-07-2018 28-07-2018 350 10398 – Arunai Nambiraj N Conference
20. AY201415 One day workshop on medical thermography 28-03-2015 28-03-2015 50 10398 – Arunai Nambiraj N Workshop
21. AY201415 Patient specific design using 3D scan image data 27-08-2014 28-08-2014 20 13681 – Raunak Kumar Das Workshop
  • Indo UK Virtual conference on “Current Innovations and Future Therapeutic Developments” 01-03 June 2020
  • A national level MechAThon on 13-14th March 2020
  • A national level Thon on BioInspired Design Fest, 11-12th March 2020
  • One day workshop on BioEntreprenuership, 04th Feb 2020
  • An international workshop on Advanced Processing, Characterization and Applications of Materials (APCAM-2019), 07-09th August, 2019.
  • One Day Hands on Workshop on Fluorescent Microscopy, 02nd July 2019
  • A national level Thon on Bioinspired design fest 2019, 21st April 2019
  • A national level seminar, InoVIT 2019, 19-20th January 2019
  • One Day Hands on Workshop on Rheology Principles Measurement, 06th September 2018
  • One Day Hands on Workshop on Rheology, 06th July 2018
  • International conference BioMET2018, 24-28th July 2018.
  • An international workshop on “Low-cost joints, prosthetics and rehabilitation” conducted on 1st and 2nd February 2018, jointly organized by University of Leeds, UK and VIT,VELLORE.
  • Two Days International Workshop on Next Generation of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Solutions, 10th -11th January 2018
  • International workshop on Biomaterials Cellular and Molecular Theranostics, 18-20th January 2017.
  • Bioinspired Designs Summer Fest 2016 21th April 2016.

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We came to know that some fake websites are misusing our VITEEE name. Kindly be aware of fraud websites. Please visit only https://vit.ac.in for admissions.