Centre for Biomaterials, Cellular and Molecular Theranostics (CBCMT)

1. CBCMT family is very glad to inform about the achievement of our scolars Mrs Dhivyaa Anandan, Mrs Ceera M, Ms. Anupama Devi, and Ms. Pritisha S Khillar had won third prize in the Ideathon event for the theme of “Bioinnovation for sustainable future” organized by REVA University on June 6 2022. Congratulations team.

2. We are happy to share the news that the Director of Centre for Biomaterials, Cellular and Molecular Theranostics has received a fund of 4,065,365 lakhs from TATA Steel Advanced Material Research for a period of 2years (2022-2024). We extend our heartiest congratulations for our director for this achievement.

3. Centre for Biomaterials, Cellular and Molecular Theranostics (CBCMT), Vellore Institute of Technology, India, happy to share and congratulates Dr. Cheirma Durai K for securing the prestigious DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance Early Career Fellowship 2022 in Basic medical sciences, 2022-2027. His early career project is focused on developing “Injectable hydrogel based novel therapeutics for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis”. We are all very proud of you. Keep it up!

4. Centre for Biomaterials, Cellular and Molecular Theranostics (CBCMT), Vellore Institute of Technology, India, is glad to share that Assistant Professor Senior Dr. Sushma Kumari who has recently our centre has been selected for DST-INSPIRE faculty award in Material Sciences, 2022-2027 for research grant of 35 lakh in the field of “Biomaterial-based Biomimetic Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering Applications”. We extend our heartiest congratulations and looking forward for a wonderful journey with you

5. Prof. Amit Kumar Jaiswal was awarded the Young Scientist’s Research Award (YSRA) by Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS) for the year 2022.

6. CBCMT family is very glad to inform about the achievement of our scholar Ms. Purnimajayasree S.R won the second runner-up prize in the oral presentation in an international conference on Biotechnology and Information Technology in Drug Discovery and Development (ICBITDDD 2022), organized by Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamilnadu on 26th June 2022.

7. Our research scholar, Ms. Anupama Devi K.S. won the third prize in the quiz competition conducted during the event “Hands-on Experience on instruments & Techniques for 3D printer, cell culture and nanotechnology-based drug delivery” at NIPER, Hyderabad, Date: 5-7th April, 2022.

8. Our research scholar, Ms. Anupama Devi K.S has received Raman Research Award for the publication of the review paper entitled “Self-healing hydrogels: Preparation, Mechanism, and Advancement in Biomedical Applications” in Scopus indexed journal.

9. CBCMT Quality Week – Articulate Your Research Story As a part of quality week in VIT, CBCMT also organized few events in the last week of January 2022. We organized a competition for research scholars on articulating their research. The best works were given prizes. Our director, Prof. Geetha Manivasagam distributed the prizes to the winners. Our research scholar, Mr. Amey and Mr. Vasanth won the first and second prizes respectively; the second runner-up prize was shared by Mrs. Ceera and Mr. Rohin.

10. DST INSPIRE Award CBCMT family Congratulates Kalaipriya R and Iswarya Shanmugam on receiving the prestigious award, DST-INSPIRE “Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research” fellowship offered by the Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi for 5 years! Wishes to their mentors Dr. Arunkumar Palaniappan and Dr. Arunkumar Pitchaimani for guiding the scholars to come up with compelling proposals!

11. Full bright Fellowship: We, at CBCMT are very happy and proud to inform that our scholar Mrs. Pearlin Hameed has received one of the most prestigious and highly-recognized fellowships, Fulbright-Nehru Academic and Professional Excellence Fellowship 2021-2022

12. Taiwan Experience Education Program (TEEP) We, at CBCMT are very happy and proud to inform that our scholar Mr. G. Selvaganapathy has received one of the prestigious and recognized fellowship, Taiwan Experience Education Program (TEEP) to work at National Taipei University of Technology for a period of 6months (Jan 2023-Jun2023).

13. DST-STUTI Training Program Our Research scholars, Mr. G. Selvaganapathy, Ms. S.R. Purnimajayasree, Mr. V.T. Haresh Kumar got selected to attend fully funded DST- STUTI (Department of Science and Technology – Synergistic Training Program Utilizing the Scientific and Technological Infrastructure) Training program for a period of one week.

1. Mr. G. Selvaganapathy got trained in Modern Spectroscopic, Thermal and Microscopic Techniques at Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, Pune during 21-27 September 2022.

2. Ms. SR Purnimajayasree got trained in Material Characterization Techniques at Pondicherry University during 17th – 23rd October 2022.

3. Mr. VT Haresh kumar got trained in Materials Characterization Techniques at The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara during 21st – 27th November 2022.

14. Our Research Scholar, Mr. Rohin Shyam was one of the 10 applicants who got selected among 250 applicants to attend the Hands-on training: Stem cell techniques at IN-STEM, Bangalore funded by DBT (Department of Biotechnology) during 16th -20th May 2022.

15. Our Scholars, Mr. VT. Haresh Kumar, Mr B Unnikrishnan, Mr. V. Janarthanan, Ms. S. Shobana got selected to attend training on Machine learning based approach for the identification of biomarkers and for drug discovery which is going to held at National Institute of Technology, Durgapur during 12th – 18th December 2022.

Faculty Awards
  • Dr. Geetha Manivasagam received an award from Mother Teresa University for the contribution in field of Materials Science, 2021
  • Dr. Joseph Nathanael – DBT Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowship – 2020
  • Dr. N. Arunai Nambiraj – Erasmus – France UFRT, France – 2017.
  • Dr. Loganathan: DBT Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowship (2020 – 2025)
  • Dr.Murugan Ramalingam –ASEM-DUO-India Professor Fellowship 2020
  • Dr. Geetha Manivasagam, Spain (Erasmus), University of Castilla-La Mancha, Almadén, Spain 2019 , Excellence in Sponsored Research 2019-2020
  • Dr. Raunak Kumar Das, UNSW, Sydney, Australia- 1 Year (Sept 2017- July 2018)- by DBT
  • Dr. Sushma Kumari DST-INSPIRE faculty award in Material Sciences, 2022-2027
Students Awards International Fellowships
  • Ms. Pearlin Hameed – William Fullbright Fellowship – 2021 – 2022.
  • Ms. Amy Sarah –  Sandwich Doctoral Exchange Program – Bar Ilan University- Israel – 2021-2022
  • Mrs. N. Jayashree – DORA plus scholarship funded by European Regional Development Fund , Estonia (10 months) 2020-2021.
  • Mr. Magesh S (MS) –  Harriman Award for PhD Studies, University of Ireland.
  • Ms. Kirthi Tiwari – BIOREMIA award for PhD studies – Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy.
  • Mr. Chaitanya Vinay – Overseas Visiting Doctoral Fellowship, Purdue University, USA – 2020.
  • Mr. Jithin Vishnu – IFW Research Scholarship- Leibniz Institute, IFW, Germany – 2019-2020
  • DoRa Plus scholarship funded by European Regional Development Fund, Tallinn University of Technology-10months- Ms.Pearlin, 2019-2020
  • Newton Bhaba fellowship – Ms. Erfath Thanjeem Begum -4 months in University of Glasgow, 2019
  • Mr. Jitin Vishnu- PROM project funded by polish national agency for academic exchange (NAWA) at Nicolas Copernicus University in Toren, Poland. (Agreement number: PP1/PRO/2019/1/00015/U/00001) Professor: Aleksandra Radke.
Competition Awards
  • Mr. Venkatesh Katari – SERB Merit Certificate , 21st rank in All India Level ACS Publication Poster Competition.
  • Mr. Jitin Vishnu- Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating Research (AWSAR) 2019, DST for his popular science story entitled “Nano-Army and the Bacterial Downfall”. AW/2019/904.
  • VIT Awards: Best Stall Award on Engineers Day 2019 to CBCMT
  • DST International travel award -2019– Divya Anand; Sudhakar
  • Recipient of Best Poster Award by RSC in BioMET-2018 under stem cell category-Ms. Pearlin, 2018.
  • Recipient of Best Poster Award by SBOAI in BioMET-2018 -Divya Anand,2018
  • Recipient of Best Poster Award, ICOLD Mr.Magesh S, 2018
  • VIT Awards: Best Stall Award on Engineers Day 2018 to CBCMT
Research Fellowships
  • CSIR – SRF – Mr. Vinod Kumar Reddy and Ms. Madhubanti Mullick (Fellowship Award)
  • CSIR – SRF – Mr. G. Vasanth, Mrs. M.Ceera,  Mr. V. Chaitanya Vinay.
  • ISRO – SRF – Mr. K. Praveen
  • CSIR – JRF – Mr. A.R.Ansheed
  • SMAT – JRF – Ms . Ritu Singh Rajput and Ms. K. Shoma Suresh.
  • CSIR SRF Awards- 5 Ph.D Students in 2018, 2019
  • Dr. Cheirma Durai K DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance Early Career Fellowship 2022