CO2 Research and Green Technologies Centre

CO2 Research and Green Technologies Centre

CO2 Research and Green Technologies Centre, a unique advanced research laboratory, was created by VIT University, Vellore to carry out research on carbon capturing and utilization (CCU) with a focus on green energy technologies development. The laboratory has been set up keeping in view the growing significance of Carbon Capturing and Storage (CCS) in recent times.The centre was inaugurated on 15th Feb 2010 by Dr. Farooq Abdullah, Honorable Minister for New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Govt. of India. The main objectives of the centre are

  • To develop technologies for CCU
  • To develop sustainable and renewable green energy technologies
  • To work on waste heat recovery, energy, water conservation and waste management.
Director's Message

The CO2 Research and Green Technologies Centre (CGTC) focuses its cutting - edge research on energy and environmental related challenges leading to development of clean and sustainable technologies. The centre has successfully implemented a large number of renewable energy projects. The multidisciplinary faculty team has developed technologies like low-cost porous electrode for fuel-cell and water-splitting applications, pyrolysis of waste plastics, bio-oil from microbes & oil-seeds, tri-generation plant, treatment of wastewater through advanced biological treatment process and organic PV cells. It is a unique centre where thrust has been given on various aspects of COrelated research like CO2 sequestration, conversion of COinto useful fuels, development of transcritical CO2 refrigerator and supercritical CObased extraction technology.


  • To lead as a Centre of Excellence – Integrate, and deliver interdisciplinary research and mitigate CCUS.


  • To develop an applied and effective solution for carbon capture utilization and storage.
  • To initiate technology transfer towards sustainable development.
  • To collaborate with government agencies, industries, NGOs, and leading national and international researchers through transdisciplinary research.
  • To organize capacity-building programmes for SDG through training, education, and workforce development.
  • To provide scientific information on the effectiveness of various clean environment initiatives and programmes to policymakers.
  • Connecting academia and industries by commercializing cutting-edge technology in CCUS.





Academic Faculties

CO2 Research and Green Technologies Centre...

In order to convert academic research into useful technology, the centre has undertaken a number of technically viable projects that include both bench scale and pilot scale projects. Technical solutions are developed for several teething problems at the centre. New alternates and modifications are implemented towards continuous operation.






Adjacent professor


  • Two day workshop on “Improving Heat Exchanger Design” during 23rd & 24th February 2018 at VIT, Vellore.
  • Two day national workshop on Challenges and Opportunities in Solar Energy Collection, Storage and Utilization, July 29-30, 2016, VIT University, Vellore, India.


Dr. Annamalai Senthil Kumar

Sr. Professor & Director
CO2 Research and Green Technologies Centre
Biomass Power Plant
Vellore Institute of Technology,
Vellore, Tamil Nadu – 632014

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