Centre for Functional Materials (CFM)

Centre for Functional Materials (CFM)

“Developing tailor-made functional and nanostructured materials for renewable energy, health and environmental sustainability”

The Centre for Functional Materials (CFM) (Formerly Centre for Crystal Growth – CCG) at VIT, Vellore was established in December 2016. Functional materials are materials which exhibit responses against external output and it covers different material classes ranging from semiconductors to polymers and molecular crystals to nanoparticles.

Our research focuses mainly on the crystal growth, thin film fabrications, nanomaterials, ceramics, biomaterials, polymers, laser shock wave processing, metals, magnetic materials and optical materials.

CFM has ten core faculty and more than 45 research scholars and project associates. The Centre faculty are actively engaged in teaching various courses in “M. Sc., Physics” and undertaking research projects for M.Sc., and Ph. D. Scholars.”


To be locally and globally recognized in cutting-edge research, education and innovation related to functional materials, ultimately catering to the societal needs.

  • To explore creating most advanced facilities for functional materials research through national and international projects.
  • To employ world-class scientists who are experts in the field and address the nation's research challenges.
  • To enable the members to carry out high-impact functional materials projects.
  • To design and implement research oriental and industry-ready curriculum at the post-graduate level.
  • To develop and strengthen collaboration with universities, institutes and industries at the global level leading to patents, product development and technology transfers.
  • Preparing, processing and exploring structure-property correlations in functional materials at the bulk and nanoscale resulting in accelerated new materials development.
  • Specific development of functional materials for sensors, magnetic storage, energy conversion, communication, various electronic and multifunctional devices including energy harvesters, actuators and transducers.

Research Experts





Centre for Functional Materials...

CFM has also been active in providing various material characterization facilities like Z-scan, laser damage threshold, optical studies, micro hardness measurement, dielectric analysis – LCR meter and surface etching studies, photoconductivity and refractive index measurements. The centre gains attention due to its immense publication in the diverse field of research in the functional materials. We create ultimately materials that can be utilized for various electronic and multifunctional devices.



Service Platform

Research Scholars



Collaborations and MoU's





Dr. Madhuri W

Professor Grade 1 & Director
Centre for Functional Materials

402- Technology Tower,
Vellore Institute of Technology,
Vellore, Tamil Nadu – 632014

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