Centre for Functional Materials (CFM)

Ongoing Research Projects

1 Lattice strain and defects analysis of epitaxial thin films and single crystals by high resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD) Dr. R Ezhil Vizhi
Dr. Atul Thakre
DST Rs.1,45,00,000 2024-2029 Ongoing
2 Development of Mott Insulator Based Non-volatile Memory Devices Dr. Atul Thakre VIT Rs.2,00,000 2024-2026 Ongoing
3 3D-Printed Magnetic Filter Dr. Madhuri W Student Startup Venture grant, VIT Rs.40,000 6 months – 2022 Ongoing
4 Oxide And 2D Materials-Based Photodetector and Pure Spin Current Generator Dr. A. Rastogi Faculty SEED Grant Rs.2,50,000 2022-2024 Ongoing
5 Ferrocene-Appended Multidimensional Chiral Chromophores: Precursor for NLO-Active Polymeric Films and their Applications in Optoelectronic Devices Dr. N. Palanisami Faculty SEED Grant 2021-22; File No.: SG20210122 Rs.2,44,000 2022-2024 Ongoing
6 Ferrocene-Appended Multidimensional (X-, Y-, V-, T- and H-shaped) Push-Pull Heteroaromatic Chiral Chromophores for Second-Order Nonlinear Optics Dr. N. Palanisami DST-SERB Core Research Grant (CRG) (CRG/2021/004067) Rs.6,00,000 2022-2025 Ongoing
7 Unveiling the novel states at the interface betweenoxide and 2D van der Waals materials Ankur Rastogi VIT Rs.2,00,000 2020-2021 Ongoing
8 Second Order Nonlinear Optical Properties of (Ferrocene/non-Ferrocene)-IntegratedLinear, X-, Y-, V- and H-shaped Heteroaromatic Push-Pull Chromophores Dr. Palanisami N. VIT Rs.2,00,000 2020-2021 Ongoing
9 (i) Atomic scale characterisation of singular defectsin h-BN (ii) Resistive switching in single layer VO2 Dr. Ramesh Thamankar VIT 1,00,000 2020-2021 Ongoing
10 Development of magnetic nanocomposites comprisingBa0.5Sr0.5Fe12O19 /Y3Fe5O12 for permanent magnet applications Dr R Ezhil Vizhi DST-SERB Rs. 30.84 Lakhs 2017-2021 Ongoing
11 Ferrocene ConjugatedY-Shaped Chromophores as Potential Sensitizers in Dye Sensitized SolarCells with Innovative Redox Mediators Dr. Palanisami N DST (International Division Indo-Italian) Rs. 16.30 Lakhs 2017-2020 Ongoing
12 Ferrocene-Appended Multidimensional (X-, Y-, V-, T- and H-shaped) Push-Pull Heteroaromatic Chiral Chromophores for Second-Order Nonlinear Optics Dr. N. Palanisami DST-SERB Core Research Grant (CRG) (CRG/2021/004067) 31,72,000 2022-2025 Ongoing
13 Oxide And 2D Materials-Based Photodetector and Pure Spin Current Generator Dr. A. Rastogi Faculty SEED Grant Rs.2,50,000 2022-2024 Ongoing
14 (i) Atomic scale characterisation of singular defects in h-BN (ii) Resistive switching in single layer VO2 Dr. Ramesh Thamankar VIT 1,00,000 2020-2024 Ongoing
15 Ferrocene-Conjugated Multidimensional Hetrocyclic Chromophores (X-,Y-,V- and H- shaped) for Second-order Non-Linear Optics and Dye Sensitized Solar Cells Dr. N. Palanisami VIT 6,00,000 01-04-2024 to 31-03-2026 ongoing
16 MoS2/CaF2 Nanocomposite-based Resistive Switching Devices for Neuromorphic Applications Dr. Ramesh Thamankar DST-SERB under core research grand(CRG) scheme. Grant No:CRG/2023/005093 40,00,000 01-03-2023 to 20-03-2026 ongoing

Completed Research Projects

1 Atomic scale characterisation of singular defects in h-BN and c-BN Dr. Ramesh Thamankar VIT 1,00,000 2019-2020 Completed
2 Electric field induced Metal-Insulator Transition in nanoscale Dr. Ramesh Thamankar VIT 25000 2018-2019 Completed.
3 Aromatic and Y-shapedHeteroaromatic Donor subunits in Borasiloxane Rings/Cages: Structural,Luminescence, Nonlinear Optical and DFT Studies. Dr.Palanisami N CSIR-Extramural ResearchGrant Rs. 7.0 Lakhs 2017-2020 Completed
4 Linear, X-and Y-ShapedBorasiloxanes derived from Ferrocene Conjugated Boronic Acids:Structural, Electrochemical, Luminescence, Nonlinear Optical and DFTStudies Dr. Palanisami N DST-SERB ExtramuralResearch Grant Scheme Rs. 26.62 Lakhs 2017-2020 Completed
5 Fabrication and characterization of magnetic impurity doped CuGaS2 thinfilms for high efficiency intermediate band solar cell application Dr.S.Kalainathan DST-JSPS INR 15,14,200 2017-2019 Completed
6 Investigation of luminescence property and scintillation mechanisms of1,1,4,4-tetraphenyl-1,3-butadine organic scintillation single crystalfor fast neutron detection Dr.S.Kalainathan DST-SERB INR21.705 Lakhs 2016-2019 Completed
7 Development of Room Temperature Ferromagnetic,Transparent,ConductingMn,Fe doped ITO thin films Dr.S.Kaleemulla UGC-DAE-CSR Kalpakam INR6.85 Lakh 2015-2018 Completed
8 Laser Peening of Alpha Titanium Alloys Dr.S.Kalainathan DST-SERB INR41.75600 Lakhs 2014-2017 Completed
9 Growth and characterization of 1,3,5-triphenylbenzene(3PB)by solutiongrowth method Dr.S.Kalainathan BRNS INR 13.10 Lakhs 2014-2017 Completed
10 Study of hydrophobic nature of polyamide ? phenol/phenolic resincomplexes using water contact angle measurement Dr.M.Malathi DRDO Rs.19.50 Lakhs 2014-2017 Completed
11 Microwave synthesis of NiMg and NiMgZn ferrites for electromagneticinterference shielding Dr.W.Madhuri DRDO Rs.16lakhs 2014-2017 Completed
12 Investigation on the growth aspects and propertystudies of Alkali, (I-A) metals mixed boro succinates and malonatessingle crystal Dr R Ezhil Vizhi DST-SERB (Fast Track Young Scientist) Rs. 16.44 Lakhs 2013-2017 Completed

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