- Centre for Clean Environment (CCE)
Centre for Clean Environment (CCE) at Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) was established and formally inaugurated on 30th April 2024 with the intention to associate with Global Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations. CCE focuses on finding innovative technologies and sustainable solutions for the environmental issues from local to global scale. The centre address environmental concerns by collaborating with government, industry, non-government organizations and leading academic partners through national and international research networks. Our thrust area of research and consultancy revolves around water & wastewater treatment & management, solid waste management, waste to wealth, emerging contaminants, novel methods for environmental remediation, multidisciplinary approach towards environmental monitoring, bioremediation of organic pollutants in soil and water, environmental systems design, computations & modelling, heavy metal removal, air pollution & climate change, environmental forensic analysis, health risks & environmental impact assessment, environmental awareness, and other relevant areas of environmental concerns. The centre has several ongoing consultancy and research projects both at regional, national, and international level. The centre targets to use transdisciplinary approach in solving the environmental issues. Environmental Analytical Lab is the integral part of the centre which has the facilities for the environmental monitoring and assessment.

To become a leading global centre in the field of clean environment towards achieving pollution abatement, remediation, waste to wealth and sustainable growth.
- To develop an applied and effective solutions towards clean environment and human health.
- To initiate technology transfer towards sustainable development.
- To collaborate with government agencies, industries, NGOs, leading national and international researchers through transdisciplinary research.
- To organize capacity building programmes for sustainable environment through training, education and workforce development.
- To provide scientific information on effectiveness of various clean environment initiatives and programmes to policy makers.

The Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) was established with the aim of providing quality higher education on par with international standards and is recognized as one of the leading universities in India. VIT has always been a research–oriented and innovation driven university. In order to align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), VIT established centre for clean environment and was formally inaugurated on 30 th April 2024.

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Dr.S. Shantha Kumar
Professor Higher Academic Grade & Director
Centre for Clean Environment -
G16, Ground Floor
Pearl Research Park Block VIT, Vellore-632014 - 0416-2204184
- director.cce@vit.ac.in