Technology Information Forecasting and assessment Council (TIFAC)

Technology Information Forecasting and assessment Council (TIFAC)

TIFAC CORE is an initiative of Government of India wherein the collaboration between Industry and Academia is insisted. Keeping this in mind the Centre is offering a PG program on “Automotive Electronics”. The course is offered in collaboration with School of Electronics Engineering (SENSE) at Vellore campus. The students are exposed to various emerging technologies and hence are getting jobs in R & D Centres. The centre is also conducting a number of short term training programs (workshops) in order to inculcate inter-disciplinary real time problem solving approach among students. The centre has completed many consultancy projects with industry collaboration and filed more than 25 patents. Some of the key focus areas of the center includes sustainable mobility, fuel cell powered electric bicycles, hydrogen vehicle and renewable powered smart charging infrastructure for EVs. The ongoing projects of the center are funded by both national and international funding agencies. The center has a strong research collaboration with scientists from leading research laboratories within India as well as across the globe. Currently the centre is focussing on:
  • Sustainable Mobility
  • Renewable powered EV charging infrastructure.
  • Advanced Driver Assistance System.
  • AI based Driverless Cars for Indian Roads.
  • Sub-system development related to Electric Mobility.



Key Areas




Research - Development

Academic Faculties





Adjunct Professors

Industry Interactions


Dr. D.Elangovan

Professor Grade 1 & Dy.Dir-TIFAC-CORE
7th Floor, Technology Tower
VIT, Vellore – 632 014

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