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Centre for Biomaterials, Cellular and Molecular Theranostics (CBCMT...

Year 2023 - 2024

Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Innovation

MoU signed on Nov 2022
Activities Planned: Product translation, Exchange of students, Commercialization, Organization of joint academic and scientific activities.

Continuing VIT’s trend towards international networking and collaborations with natural partners who are leaders in the field, our centre has signed an MoU with Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Innovation (TIBI), LA, USA which will enable both partners to perform collaborative research in the area of biomaterials, especially personalized medicine, and organ-on-a-chip technologies. This MoU also enables the exchange of researchers across the institutes as well as sharing of IPs for biomedical product innovations. As a part of this MoU, a joint laboratory will be set up at TIBI, which will set the momentum for research collaborations between the institutes. Kudos to our director, Prof. Geetha Manivasagam, and our dynamic faculties for this achievement and wish them great success through this collaboration.

Sl No Academic Year Organisation Date of Mou Signed Activities
Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Innovation

Year 2017 - 2022

Sl No Academic Year Organisation Date of Mou Signed Activities
1 AY202021 SIBAR Dental College 8/4/2021 Collaborative projects, student exchange and research project submissions for extramural grants
2 AY202021 Svante Group, Svanthye LLP Inc., Delhi 20-10-2020 Development of novel nanoencapsulation technologies for fabrics.
3 AY202021 Meenakshi Academy of Higher Education and Research 10/7/2020 Research Facility
4 AY201920 MoU with Joanneum Research, Austria 25-09-2019 Research in Nanoscience, Nanotechnology, New Materials, Production Technology
5 AY201819 MoU with Kalam Institute of Health Technology (KIHT), Visakhapatnam 19-03-2019 Facilitate Innovation in Healthcare Technology and Innovation
6 AY201819 MoU with Edna Cell Genetic Engineering Co.Ltd, China 2019 Bilateral Cooperation in the field of science
7 AY201920 Institute of Tissue Regeneration Engineering, Dankook University, Korea. 12-10-2020 Exchange of faculties, students and research; creation of center of excellence. 
8 AY201920 Sree Anjaneya Medical Trust, Calicut 10-10-2020 Exchange of staffs, Joint projects, organization of joint academic and scientific activities, educational co-operations
9 AY201924 Kalam Institute of Health Technology  (KIHT), Visakhapatnam 19-03-2019 Research co-operation
10 AY201920 Shenzhen Advanced Institute signs cooperation agreement with Vellore University of Technology, India 02-09-2019 Faculty and Student Exchange Programme/ Joint Research/ Twinning Programme
11 AY201819 Jayon Implants Pvt Ltd 26-07-2018 coating on spinal implants and testing the mechanical properties of spinal components by VIT and implants will be manufactured at Jayon
12 AY201819 Excel Matrix Biological Devices Pvt LTD 26-07-2018 Development of 3D bioreactor for testing the dynamic biocompatibility of the implant materials
13 AY201819 Mobility India 21-07-2018 Testing and validation of gait training device that will be designed and developed at VIT Vellore as a part of a project.
14 AY201819 Intech DLMS PVT LTD 21-07-2018 research and collaboration in the field of 3D printing of metallic implants design will provided by VIT and INTECH will review and print the same for various applications
15 AY201819 Centre for Technology and Assisted Reconstructive Surgery (CTARS), Chennai 23-05-2018 Research co-operation
16 AY201819 Metallizing Equipment Co. Pvt. Ltd – India. 23-02-2018 Testing and validation of gait training device that will be designed and developed at VIT Vellore as a part of a project.
17 AY201718 CMC Vellore 17-02-2018 Obtaining bone tumour samples
18 AY201718 Colorado State University Fort Collins Colorado USA 06-10-2017 Faculty and Student Exchange Programme/ Joint Research/ Twinning Programme
Short Description: 

CBCMT has active research collaborations with various leading international and national universities, research institutes, healthcare/biomedical companies, and startups. Some of the notable national institutes with which we have active collaborations include IISc, IIT Madras, ISRO.
