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VitBS-Infrastructure - Chennai Campus

VITBS is equipped with all the modern amenities characteristic of a world-class management educational establishment. With a variety of pedagogic, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and resources available on the school, it encourages a highly enhanced learning experience. Some of the salient features of VITBS include,

Analytics Lab
In the VITBS Analytics Lab student teams select and deliver a project using analytics, machine learning, and other methods of analysis to develop results that diagnose, enable, or uncover solutions to real business issues and opportunities.

Some projects are tightly focused on dilemmas organizations currently face, which requires students to quickly understand particular business circumstances and domains before performing their descriptive, predictive, or causal analysis. Other projects are more open-ended, and students must think entrepreneurially about how to bring new value to existing data and suggest frontiers for future business opportunity.

School Library

Conference Hall

Smart Classrooms

Seminar Hall

Infrastructure - Chennai Campus