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Astronomy Club

To enhance the knowledge of students interested in astronomy and expose students to the wonders of space and astrophysics. To facilitate the creation of a community of space enthusiasts. We believe that this initiative of having a full-fledged astronomy chapter at our university will popularize astronomy among students. Such a club will expand the base of existing opportunities and open up more avenues for exploration and career-making for students through intellectual and professional development. Ability to demonstrate the understanding behind the theories of cosmic evolution, the science of astronomy, and the position of humanity in the universe. Ability to apply scientific reasoning to advanced astronomical discoveries and understand their validity and apply them in everyday situations. Read, analyze, and interpret data to draw valid scientific conclusions and communicate those conclusions in a clear and articulate manner. To achieve a enhance the skills of students which will help them in increasing their job prospects and will provide them with more than one career opportunities to choose from.

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