Computer Society of India ( CSI) is the first and largest body of computer professionals in India. It was started on 6 March 1965 by a few computer professionals and has now grown to be the national body representing computer professionals. CSI is a non-profit professional society and meet to exchange views and information learns and share ideas. The wide spectrum of members is committed to the advancement of theory and practice of Computer Engineering and Technology Systems, Science and Engineering, Information Processing and related Arts and Sciences. We facilitate Research, Knowledge Sharing, Learning and Career Enhancement among all categories of IT professionals. Inspire, nurture and assist students to integrate into the IT community. Percolate benefits of IT advancement to all sections of Indian Society by conducting workshops, technical and non-technical events, conference, hackathon, with utmost attention to every little detail across these spectra of events. We encourage a professional work environment with equal focus on results and efforts, trying for versatility in every domain with quality participation from every member to ensure maximum holistic development.

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