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Power Electronics applications to Smart Grid and integration of Renewable Energy source(PESGRE 2023)
Nov 27 - Dec 01

Power Electronics applications to Smart Grid and integration of Renewable Energy source(PESGRE 2023)

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The short course focuses on the latest technologies, strategies and challenges faced by power electronic systems, electric drives, renewable energy resources integration, and the interconnection to modern power systems, and operation in the smart grid for a better, smarter and more environment-friendly power system. Focus areas of the short course are Power Electronic Converters, Control Systems, Smart Grid Technology, Renewable Energy Resources, Distributed Generation and Grid Interconnection, Electric Vehicles, Energy storage & battery charging techniques, FACTS & Custom power. This course will also offer laboratory sessions for demonstrating the development aspects of power electronic converters and smart grid for renewable energy sources integration and transportation applications. Various hardware will be used for the hands-on and demonstration.