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The Otaku Club

The objectives of the Otaku club is to give chance to the fandom theories of our fans regarding movies, series, animes, etc and help them explore their creativity and help them publish their work via our account and magazines. To promote and encourage the knowledge pertaining to literature behind popular fandoms and providing the space to discuss and analyze them.


Photography Club provides a platform for all photographers to share their ideas, artistic vision, artistic photography, technical knowledge, spirit, enthusiasm with the public. Club promote an interest in all aspects of photography as an art throughout the campus, through exhibition and public events. Promote creativity through photography, to share and critique the photographs of peers, to educate and improve technical skills, and to spread the love of photography throughout the student community. Having an in group critique of photographs that members have taken.

Anchoring Group

Anchoring on a stage is not an easy task, It is not a cakewalk to address a large crowd, making a connect with them and at the same time wearing multiple other hats and performing other duties too. How to do anchoring on stage is a question which is often asked by people who have never done it. The Anchoring group trains its members the best way to become an interesting anchor. Sessions are organised for how to engaging your audience, identify your audience, use relevant examples and dialogues to which your audience can relate to and understand easily.

Beat Boxing Club

The main idea of the Beat Boxing club is to have fun being creative with music. Beatboxing Club trains the members in a form of vocal percussion primarily involving the art of mimicking drum machines, using one's mouth, lips, tongue, and voice. It may also involve vocal imitation of turntablism, and other musical instruments. Club organize workshops for newbies, host battles at college fests, organise jams and battles at weekends or just meet up to get better acquainted with the art of beat boxing.

The Comedy Club

The comedy club the members to act as an open platform for aspiring comedians and seek out and comedic talent in VIT. Encourage the contemporary creativity that is constantly emerging in this field and strive to enlighten people about the vast history and potential of this genre. Promote and give platform for students of VIT who have inclination towards satire and stand-up. To emphasize on importance of comedy and bring out the satirical aspects from our daily lives.


To train designers in the fields of graphic design, Ul design, UX design and animation, interaction design, product design and branding. To help designers gain knowledge about design principles and guidelines. To increase the overall design standards in internal events by partnering with other clubs, chapters and start ups in VIT who lack design resources for their events or workshops. To represent VIT in design hackathons and events in various colleges all over India. 5. Discover and recruit design enthusiasts and creative minds in VIT and bring them under one roof. 6.

Heritage Club

Heritage Club is about discovering the culture and heritage of our country as well as other heritage sites around the world. Heritage Club is also an attempt to understand all aspects that makes the identity of our Indian civilization or any other civilization in the world. The main focus of the club is on places of importance of cultural or natural heritage as described in the UNESCO World Heritage Convention; discussions, presentations and activities on world heritage sites in India; importance of monuments, buildings, churches, mosques, tombs etc.


The Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical Music And Culture Amongst Youth (SPIC MACAY) is a voluntary youth movement which promotes intangible aspects of Indian cultural heritage by promoting Indian classical music, classical dance, folk music, yoga, meditation, crafts and other aspects of Indian culture; it is a movement with chapters in over 300 towns all over the world. Organises programmes for promotion of culture inside college campuses throughout the world to make students more aware about Indian and world heritage.


VIT Model United Nations Society

Community Radio

VIT Community Radio (Teamspeak) Vellore First Community Radio Station, for the empowerment of the community people who lives in and around the VIT campus. This is the radio under the frequency of 90.8. Basically, we aim to uplift the community people through our small attempt of speaking in the radio. It also helps VIT people for equipping themselves in-terms of personal and career. Here we do live shows, where we try to bring out everything about the world under the one roof for benefiting the people.
