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VIT Spartans is a group of enthusiasts who like to encourage people to bring out their hidden talents and gave them a platform to showcase it. Club is all about providing opportunity to those people who lacks public appearance but instil huge talent. Organize workshop on Effective Public Speaking and Presentation Skills. Provide participants with the practical skills and knowledge necessary to express themselves clearly, with confidence and power, in a variety of speaking situations. Encourage the budding talents of the students and develop their creative skills.


TEDx promote the ideas that are shared on stage and to facilitate a conversation between thinkers, doers and Change makers. A global community, welcoming people from every discipline and culture who seek a deeper understanding of the world. We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and, ultimately, the world. We're building a clearinghouse of free knowledge from the world's most inspired thinkers and a community of curious souls to engage with ideas and each other around the world, all year long.

VIT Animation

VIT Animation Club promotes animation as a viable art form and to expose the general public to this Art form. The aim of the club is to express the creative pragmatist mind set of those who want to think “Out Of the Box”. Club groom the designers all across VIT, who not just contain talent in areas in their specific domains but also have an enthusiasm to learn more in the field of animation. Sometimes it isn't always your skills put into action that almost everybody will be talking about today, but the thought that you channel inside you and follow your heart.

Fine Arts Club

The Fine Arts Club (TFAC) is the arts club where students can discover, nurture and promote artistic talent at VIT. We provides an opportunity to the students to let their imagination run wild and provides them with the sight to see things in a different way in the area of drawing and painting, crafts, displays etc. Students learn from one another and share their prowess in different aspects of art. We conduct art events, art exhibition, art workshops to inspire young artists and display their talent.

Quiz Club

Quiz Club (V) helps to nurture quizzing as a mind sport among the university students; to foster the university quizzers to win various quizzes at national and international level; and to establish the quizzing culture at VIT at par with other world renowned universities. DBQC regularly participates and wins at some of India's largest fests; the Quiz Club is an envious mix of brilliant people. The club prides itself for its very diverse talent pool, which comprises pop culture aficionados, tech geeks, movie buffs and almost every passion under the sun.

Music Club

Music Club helps to bring out the musical talents (both vocal and instrumental) and providing them a stage to perform. The club has been teaching music theory in addition to the practical aspects of music. The club support members having multitudes of talent in different spheres. Be it guitarists, keyboardists, bassists, drummers, violinists or vocalists, the club has a very diverse talent in terms of the variety of instrumentalists and a range of different vocalists certainly not bound genres.

Film Society

Film Society promote awareness about the actual cinema and that will judge the students ability to understand the movie. To learn the basic skills in film making, script writing, editing, video coverage etc. Club is mainly learning through entertainment. The activities encourage students to develop a different perception regarding the films. The movies managerial skills like leadership, team spirit, group dynamics, creativity, self-motivation etc are developed by the way of film making sessions. Scripting, Shooting, Lighting, editing, sound mixing etc are the part of the club activity.

Dramatics Club

Dramatics Club exists for the sole purpose of promoting and reviving the art of theatre through various events on campus. We train in promoting cultural learning of acting among students, start act, plays and to perform. Apart from stage play, street play and mono-acting, we conduct acting workshop open to all. The talented members put up plays on days of importance to spread awareness. Members also get chance in participating (and winning) in stage play and street play competitions in various other universities throughout the southern circuit.

DebSoc – VIT

The Debate Society is the place to be if you want to test your mettle in the art of debating. Armed with logic & a love for the spoken word, we battle it out in a myriad of topics from the world of pop culture to the realms of international affairs & economics. We promote a culture of greater thought, and free but inoffensive speech. We encourage the student body to engage with the bigger questions – political, social and cultural – and to see the basis for varied viewpoints and multiple valid opinions.

VIT Dance Club

Dance Club promote the dance art form both regional and western and give opportunity for students to perform. Dance Club also helps the students of VIT to explore themselves in terms of their dancing talents and encourages them to participate in all on-going events by conducting routing workshops which are held by trained and professional dancers with highly prosperous backgrounds. This motivates the students to grow in terms of their dancing abilities and in turn helps them to develop their dancing skills.
