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DebSoc – VIT

The Debate Society is the place to be if you want to test your mettle in the art of debating. Armed with logic & a love for the spoken word, we battle it out in a myriad of topics from the world of pop culture to the realms of international affairs & economics. We promote a culture of greater thought, and free but inoffensive speech. We encourage the student body to engage with the bigger questions – political, social and cultural – and to see the basis for varied viewpoints and multiple valid opinions. The club has left an indelible mark on the Indian debating circuit as a whole by being a tour-de-force at every tournament it attends, breaking at & winning most of them. From organising events like DebScope to running our intra-VIT tournament 'MAKA,' DebSoc offers everything a person with an interest in debating could ever want.

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