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CO2 Research and Green Technologies Centre-Insights-Facilities

CO2 Research and Green Technologies Centre-Events-Workshops

  • 2-DAY International Workshop on “Challenges and Prospects in Power Generation Systems using Biomass” (27th & 28th of July 2012) Sponsored and collaboration with MNRE.
  • “125th Year celebration of Nobel Laureate Sir. C. V. Raman” on November 7, 2013 organized in Energy and Environment Research Council (EERC) & Federation of Science Clubs of Tamilnadu (FSCT).

CO2 Research and Green Technologies Centre-Events-Seminar &...

  • International Virtual Conference on “CO2 and Green Technologies” July 1st & 2nd, 2020 in collaboration with Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University, USA
  • Indo - US Virtual conference on "Carbon Sequestration Bio-Energy Environment & Sustainable Technology (ICBEST - 2019)" conducted on 10.04.2019 in collaboration with Florida State University, USA, Technical University of Denmark and University of Gottingen, Germany.


  • K. Kothari, A. B. Shah, S. Murugavelh, Bio oil production: Pyrolysis of saw dust in an auger reactor. International Journal of ChemTech Research 2015; 8 (6), 349-357
  • Matli Prabhu Kumar Reddy, B. Thulasi Ram Bharat, G. Babin Meshach, S. Murugavelh, Purification and extraction of fatty acid methyl esters (bio diesel) from waste vegetable oil, International Journal of Applied and Engineering Research 2015; 10 (68) 912 - 915


  • S. Suresh, D. Sinha, S. Murugavelh, Biodiesel production from waste cotton seed oil: engine performance and emission characteristics. Biofuels 2016; 7 (6), 689-698
  • D. Sinha, S. Murugavelh, Biodiesel production from waste cotton seed oil using low cost catalyst: Engine performance and emission characteristics. Perspectives in science 2016; 8, 237-240.


  • S. Murugavelh, D. Vinothkumar, Removal of heavy metals from waste water using different bio-sorbents. Current world environment 2017;5 (2).
  • Amballa Chaitanyakumarb, Aditya. A.L.G.N, Boopathy Ramaraj, Santhakumar.K. 2017. Modeling of microfluidic bio-solar cell using microalgae through multiphysics platform: A greener approach en route for energy production, Liyakath Reshmaa, Algal Research 26 (2017): 47–55.

CO2 Research and Green Technologies Centre -Centers-Publications

CO2 Research and Green Technologies Centre

Biomass Power Plant
VIT, Vellore- 632014,

CO2 Research and Green Technologies Centre -Cener-Overview

CO2 Research and Green Technologies Centre, a unique advanced research laboratory, was created by VIT University, Vellore to carry out research on carbon capturing and utilization (CCU) with a focus on green energy technologies development. The laboratory has been set up keeping in view the growing significance of Carbon Capturing and Storage (CCS) in recent times.The centre was inaugurated on 15th Feb 2010 by Dr. Farooq Abdullah, Honorable Minister for New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Govt. of India. The main objectives of the centre are
