he Centre was inaugurated in January 2006 by the Honorable Home Minister of India Shri. ShivrajPatil in the gracious presence of General NC Vij., Vice Chairman, National Disaster Management Authority, Government of India and patronized by VIT University with state-of-art infrastructure. It was the first centre to be set up in India for disaster mitigation and management after the National Disaster Management Act was passed in Parliament in December 2005. The focus areas are Research, Development & Consultancy Services in Disaster Reduction Programs, Innovative Disaster Education Initiatives and Knowledge Networking & Partnerships. The building consists of 5 floors in total includes regular class rooms, faculty cabins, smart class rooms, research labs in addition to CDMM.

Room No Room Name Area in sqft Area in sqm Department
G01 High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Lab 335 31.15 SAS
G02 Cabin 160 14.91 SAS
G03 VSM Lab 303 28.17 SAS
G05 Sibgle crystal XRD Lab 327 30.34 SAS
G08 High Performance Thin Layer 253 23.55 SAS
G09 Powder X-Ray Diffractometer Facility 300 27.83 SAS
G10 Electron Microscopy lab 308 28.60 CMCT
G6 Centre of Excellence for Autonomous Vehicles Research 713 66.22 ARC
G07 EMC Wireless Test Chamber 1275 118.45 SENSE
Room No Room Name Area in sqft Area in sqm Department
101 Call Office IPR 322 29.89 IPR
102 Toilet 52 4.80 Common
103 Class Room 798 74.14 SCE
104 Class Room 798 74.14 SCE
105 Class Room 798 74.14 SCE
106 Class Room 797 74.00 SCE
107 Class Room 797 74.00 SCE
108 Rest room 51 4.70 Common
109 Company Shine software traing center – department – UHET 319 29.67 UHET
Room No Room Name Area in sqft Area in sqm Department
201 Ph.d Scholors sitting place 313 29.11 CDMM
202 CDMM Director cabin 247 22.97
203 Conference Room 449 41.75
204 Faculty Cabin 233 21.65
205 GIS lab 916 85.08
206 Faculty Cabin 104 9.64
207 Faculty Cabin 89 8.31
208 Faculty Cabin 110 10.19
209 Faculty Cabin 104 9.64
210 Faculty Cabin 104 9.64
211 Office of CDMM 110 10.19
214 Gents Toilet
215 Ladies Toilet
Room No Room Name Area in sqft Area in sqm Department
301 Director – CBCMT 302 28.04 CDMM
302 Toilet 51 4.76 Common
303 Smart Class Room 1425 132.42 CIVIL
304 Smart Class Room 1412 131.15 SMEC
305 Drug Disconvey unit 731 67.87 CBCMT
306 Heat Transfer Lab 711 66.09 SMEC
307 Bio Materials processing lab 467 43.42 CBCMT
308 Gents Toilet 186 17.28 Common
309 Ladies Toilet 112 10.38 Common

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