This building consists of a Workshop cum Laboratory, apart from the classrooms. The foundation stone of the building was laid by Hon’ble Dr. Navalar R. Nedunchezian, Ex-Minister of Finance & Revenue , Govt. of Tamil Nadu , Hon’ble Thiru C Aranganayagam, Ex-Minister of Education , Govt. of Tamil Nadu on 5th July 1985. The inauguration was presided over by Thiru V. Selvaraj , IAS in the presence of Thiru E.S Daniel Gunanidhi, IAS, the then District Collector of North Arcot District and Dr G. Viswanathan M.A B.L , Chairman. The building has two floors filled with classrooms, workshops, labs etc.

It is opposite to the very popular GDN canteen which makes it easy for students to grab a bite between classes. From Dosas to Noodles , the menu is elaborate and will activate the taste buds of everyone right away.

It houses various schools like SMBS, SMEC, SCALE, SCHEME and VSPARC.

Room No Room Name Area in sqft Area in sqm Department
G01 Head of the Department 710 66.00 SMEC
G02 Centre of Excellence in Additive manufacture 4803 446.23 SMEC
G03 Welding Shop 1745 162.11 SMEC
G04 Electrochemical coating unit 283 26.29 SMEC
G05 Metal Forming Lab 1666 154.74 SMEC
G06 SMEC CAT office 484 45.01 SMEC
G07 Class Room 958 89.00 SMEC
G08 X-RAY Photoelectron spectrocopy 1277 118.65 SMEC
G08 A Metrology Lab 1539 142.95 SMEC
G09 Staff Room 463 43.00 SMEC
G09A Concrete 3D Printing Lab 1462 135.83 SCE
G10 Fluid Machinery Lab 2971 276.04 SCE
G10A Strength of material Lab – II 1591 147.85 SCE
G11 Thermal Engineering Lab 2201 204.47 SMEC
G12 Ladies Toilet 233 21.65 Common
G13 Gents Toilet 355 33.00 Common
G14 Centre for Advanced Material processing and Testing (CIMR) 4453 413.74 SMEC
G15 Power Room 245 22.76 Common
G16 Machine Shop – I 4427 411.29 SMEC
G16A Machine Shop – I 575 53.42 SMEC
G17 Ladies Toilet 162 15.05 Common
G18 Gents Toilet 187 17.34 Common
G19 Automotive research lab 3658 339.87 SMEC
G19A Automotive chasis lab 813 75.52 SMEC
G19B Fuel testing Lab 524 48.70 SMEC
Room No Room Name Area in sqft Area in sqm Department
101 Staff Room 47 4.32 SMEC
102 Staff Room 61 5.68 SMEC
103 Staff Room 61 5.68 SMEC
104 Staff Room 61 5.68 SMEC
105 Dean SMEC 701 65.17 SMEC
106 Class Room 796 73.94 SMEC
107 Class Room 800 74.33 SMEC
108 Dean SCE 793 73.66 SCE
108A Staff Room 216 20.05 SCE
108B Solar thermal engineering lab 313 29.11 SMEC
109 Class Room 999 92.78 SMEC
110 Staff Room 323 30.02 SMEC/SCE
111 Staff Room 93 8.63 SMEC
112 Staff Room 93 8.63 SMEC
113 Staff Room 93 8.63 SMEC
114 Staff Room 93 8.63 SMEC
115 Staff Room 151 14.00 SMEC/SCE
116 Staff Room 93 8.63 SMEC
117 Staff Room 93 8.63 SMEC
118 Staff Room 93 8.63 SCALE
119 Staff Room 383 35.58 SMEC/SCE
120 Class Room 793 73.67 SMEC
121 Class Room 793 73.67 SMEC
121 A Composite Lab 1216 113.00 SMEC
122 Class Room 793 73.67 SMEC
123 Class Room 793 73.67 SMEC
124 Staff Room 377 34.99 SCE
125 Ladies Toilet 288 26.79 Common
126 Gents Toilet 245 22.76 Common
127 Staff Room 386 35.83 SMEC
128 Class Room 793 73.67 SMEC
129 Class Room 793 73.67 SMEC
130 CAM Lab 1598 148.44 SMEC
131 Fluid mechanics lab 2053 190.72 SMEC
132 Associate Dean cabin 181 16.81 SMEC
133 Staff Room 366 34.00 SMEC
134 Staff Room 367 34.10 SMEC
135 Renewable energy sources lab 485 45.04 SMEC
136 Rane NSK 534 49.58 SMEC
137 Auto desk design studio 1624 150.83 SMEC
137 A Discussion Room 753 70.00 SMEC
138 Measurements Lab 551 51.19 SMEC
139 Materials engineering & Technology 1800 167.26 SMEC
142 Environmental lab 2887 268.25 SCE
143 Store 117 10.86 SCE
144 Instrumentation lab 394 36.59 SCE
145 Staff Room 498 46.22 SCE
147 Gents Staff Toilet 145 13.46 Common
148 Gents Toilet 201 18.69 Common
149 Ladies Toilet 312 29.00 Common
150 Staff Room 228 21.18 SMEC
151 Faculty cabins 311 28.87 SMEC
152 Robotics lab 1975 183.46 SMEC
153 Civil Engineering Computer center 1944 180.64 SCE

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