Chancellor's Visit to University of Jaffna

In a significant step towards working closely with neighbouring countries, Hon. Chancellor Dr. G. Viswanathan visited the University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka, earlier in the day and explored the possibilities of strengthening the academic collaboration and accelerating the possibilities of faculty and student exchange programmes between the two institutions. The Chancellor was accompanied by Dr. R. Seenivasan, Director International Relations. Prof. S. Satkunarajah, Vice Chancellor, UoJ, Snr. Prof. P.

Ravirajan, Director of International Collaboration Unit, UoJ and various other Deans, Faculty members, Academic Heads were present during the occasion.

Beware of VITEEE fake websites

We came to know that some fake websites are misusing our VITEEE name. Kindly be aware of fraud websites. Please visit only for admissions.