Co-operative planning for climate change disasters

S. No Activity Organisation Beneficiary

Review of Chemical Industries and Other Factories in Ranipet District on Disaster preparedness for Onsite and Offsite Emergency plans Earthquake Disaster Mock Drill

VIT, District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA), Government of Tamilnadu & National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), Government of India

Local & Regional

Contour and Topographic Map for Alleri Road laying Project, Vellore District

VIT, Vellore & District Collectorate, Vellore


District Disaster Management Plan

VIT, Vellore & District Collectorate, Vellore


Review of Chemical Industries and Other Factories in Ranipet District (25 Kms from Vellore Institute of technology) on Disaster preparedness for Onsite and Offsite Emergency plans Earthquake Disaster Mock Drill Jointly Organised by District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA), Ranipet, Government of Tamil Nadu and National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), Government of India, , 04th August 2023 – Review Committee Member Dr. G.P.Ganapathy, Vellore Institute of Technology

The team from VIT along with National Disaster Response Force, Government of India & District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) and Government of Tamilnadu is on discussion

Preparation of Different Contour and Topographic Map for Alleri Road laying Project, Vellore District – By Dr. G.P.Ganapathy, Vellore Institute of Technology – Submitted to District Collector, Vellore District- July 25th 2023.

A contour map depicts the elevation of land surfaces using contour lines. Each line joins sites of equal elevation above a predetermined reference, usually sea level. These maps help to depict the shape and steepness of topographical features such as hills, valleys, and slopes. The slope is steeper when the contour lines are closer together, and flatter when they are further away. A topographic map depicts natural and man-made terrain elements, such as elevation, landforms, rivers, roads, buildings, and vegetation. It depicts height and relief using contour lines, as well as symbols for various physical and cultural aspects.

Contour and Topographic Map: Alleri Road laying Project submitted to the District Collectorate

Dr. G.P.Ganapathy, Centre for Disaster Management, VIT submitted the District Disaster Management Plan 2023-2024, to District Collector, Vellore on June 3rd 2023

A District disaster Management Plan (DDMP) is a strategic framework that covers a district’s catastrophe preparedness, response, and recovery. This includes:

The DDMP guarantees that disaster management is coordinated and efficient, hence increasing community resilience and reducing losses.

The official order received from District Collector, Vellore, Government of India for District Disaster Management Plan on 6th June, 2023

The first page of the District Disaster Management Plan Copy

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