Education for SDGs in the wider community

Education is essential in accomplishing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) because it raises awareness, develops knowledge, and promotes the skills required to face global challenges. It is critical for enabling individuals and communities to contribute to sustainable development.

The Key Aspects of Vellore Institute of Technology in providing Education for SDGs in the wider community are given:

SDG Education promotes empowerment, active engagement, long-term sustainability, innovation, and cross-cutting benefits across all SDG targets. In short, education is critical to attaining the SDGs because it equips individuals with the tools, knowledge, and drive to build a more sustainable and equitable world. We have outlined a selection of events organized by Vellore Institute of Technology during the 2022-2023 period, for your review.


The Centre for Sustainable Rural Development & Research Studies (CSRD & RS), Vellore Institute of Technology and Vellore School Education Department organized training programmes for government school teachers in Vellore District. The programmes are designed to help teachers to stay up-to-date on the latest teaching methods and best practices, and to develop their skills and knowledge. In-service training to teachers who are already working in government schools via Distance learning it allows teachers to learn new innovative teaching skills. These programmes are designed to give teachers the opportunity to learn from experts from other countries and to experience different teaching cultures. Around 850 teachers were directly benefited from the programme. In this way, we strive to provide quality education through skill development and training programs.

School Teachers working in and around Vellore District attending the training programme organised by VIT in Anna Auditorium (1500 participants)


VIT – CSRD&RS arranged a Tribal village outreach activities for School of Mechanical Engineering faculty members and 20 Students to explore the possibility of implementation of educational and technology solution for real ground problems in tribal areas in Peenajmandhai Village, Anaicut block, Vellore District.

Students and Faculty members of VIT in the tribal region on 27.10.2023

The student volunteers along with faculty members spent the entire day in supporting the tribal people to improve their well-being, providing education on hygiene and sanitation

Beware of VITEEE fake websites

We came to know that some fake websites are misusing our VITEEE name. Kindly be aware of fraud websites. Please visit only for admissions.