Health Outreach

Community outreach activities are initiatives designed to engage and support local communities by addressing their needs, providing resources, and fostering positive connections. These activities include volunteer programs, educational workshops, health screenings, environmental cleanups, charity drives, and social support services. The goal is to improve the well-being of individuals, promote social cohesion, and empower community members through active involvement and collaboration.

Blood Donation Camp


Event Name: Voluntary Blood Donation Camp

No. of Participants: 593 students

The Youth Red Cross Association, VIT and the Office of Students’ Welfare, VIT organized an Annual Voluntary Blood Donation Camp, in commemoration of the 75th birth anniversary of Smt. Rajeswari Viswanathan.

Date: 08.12.22

Blood Donation Drive 2022

Blood Donation Camp – 08.12.22

Article and poster - Blood Donation Camp

NSS Special camp is scheduled between 2nd March 2023 and 8th March 2023 in 16 villages in and around Thiruvalam belonging to the Katpadi Block.

305 (163 boys & 142 girls) student volunteers from 16 states across India have taken part in this camp.

Activities for the Society

1. Veterinary camp was arranged at Sevoor in coordination with Tamilnadu Veterinary Department on 4/3/2023, Number of animals treated 157.

2. Veterinary camp was arranged at Kemparajapuram in coordination with Tamilnadu Veterinary Department on 6/3/2023, Number of animals treated total 87.

3. A special medical camp was arranged at Thiruvalam in coordination with Sri Narayani Hospitals on 8/3/2023. Total number of beneficiaries – 154

4. Mushroom cultivation training is arranged in coordination with VIT School of Agricultural Innovations and Advanced learning (VAIAL) Total Number of Beneficiaries in Sevoor village on 5/3/2023 – 40

5. Soil and water testing was conducted at different farms in Kemparajapuram village on 7/3/2023 in coordination with School of Agriculture VIT

6. Training on Fast food preparation is arranged in coordination with , School of Hotel and Tourism Management VIT Total Number of Beneficiaries in Arumparuthi village on 7/3/2023 – 80

  • Cleaning of 8 school premises, and Thiruvalam primary health centre
  • Painring and renovating the 25th Anniversery of Independence memorial.
  • Students are provided with well equipped gloves and safety measures for cleaning.
  • Higher education details was conducted
  • Team covered totally 12 villages in past 6 days.
  • Covered nearly 1300 families in 12 villages.
Medical Team
  • Encouraging the school students to get involved in social activity by teaching disease free environment, health awareness and clean habits.
  • Special free medical camp and veterinary camps organized to help the farmers and village people’s

List of schools which are covered during the special camp 2023

Medical Team

The team split up into three groups and the girls team and the boys had a session with the students of the Ponnai Girls Higher Secondary School and boys higher secondary school respectively.In the afternoon session the teams were sent to interact with the students of Boys Higher Secondary School and Girls Higher Secondary School, Thiruvalam .


The team organised a Veterinary Camp in the village of Sevoor.


The team organised Mushroom cultivation training in the village of Sevoor.


The team organised a Veterinary Camp in the village of Kemparajapuram


The team split up into two groups and a fun session was orchestrated in the Govt. Primary School, Arimuthumottur and Govt. Primary School, Sembarayanallore.


The team organised a Medical Camp in the district of Thiruvalam.

Team - Clean India

The clean india campaign has been done at Serkadu sr sec high school, Thiruvalam area with around 22 volunteers taking part in it. We have cleaned each and every inch of the school premises and tried hard to make up to the best and clean area. Almost 250 to 300 sq yards of area has been cleaned. “Service before self“ Jai hind


The Clean India team has visited the Ponnai boys high school, Thiruvalam where
secondary, primary & food departments have also joined us. We have cleaned a large area of
nearly 400-500 sq yards, collectively the whole ground and school premises. Dried leaves,
weeds and litters were swept and dumped at the school wastage dumping zone. Total of 176
students have worked and the session is preceded by lunch at mandapam. Later in the afternoon,
all organisers shared their experience, their work, views and improvements to be done to the
gathering. Finally the session ended with the faculty coordinator’s addressal to the students.


A team of 33 boys and 26 girls visited the Serkadu sr sec high school. Team tree
plantation led by Kamalesh have also joined the clean india team today. All of us have cleaned
the complete premises i.E ground, classrooms, corridors and the open area at the entry and exit
gates. We have also dug 15 holes to plant trees and as a part of green-clean india. Lunch was
provided and everyone returned to campus at 1500 hrs


A team of 27 boys and 21 girls visited the Ponnai boys high school and Ponnai
girls high school respectively. Team tree plantation led by Kamalesh have also joined the clean
india team today. All of us have interacted with the students of classes 6th to 9th and guided
them regarding cleanliness and future opportunities. We have also educated them regarding the
available streams and jobs roles they can pursue after their 10th.


A team of 12 boys and 5 girls visited the Thiruvalam high school. Our team
cleaned the memorial stone built during the silver jubilee i.e 25 years of Independence and
planned the ways to renovate it. We bought paints and started the work in the afternoon.


All the 17 participated on 7th march were present and we have painted the
complete memorial stone and its surrounding area to mark the 75 years of independence – azadi
ka amrit mahotsav. Chancellor sir visited the place and appreciated us. Then it was followed
by the valedictory function.

Health Camps

Health Check-up (Eye/Dental/ENT)

Eye check-up for Faculty members on 05.12.2022

Dental checkup for Students on 05.12.2022

Dental Check-up (Date: 05.12.2022)

Ear Nose Throat (ENT) Camp (Date: 05.12.2022)

Consultation services for the student Participants and faculty members

Consultation services for faculty members

Cardiology Camp (Date: 06.12.22)

Ortho - camp, Gynaecologist consultation and HELM: Heartfulness Enabled Leadership Mastery – ( Date : 07.12.2022 )

Ortho Camp

Gynecology Camp

Mental Health Camp

Consultation for students

Interaction with Doctor

Beware of VITEEE fake websites

We came to know that some fake websites are misusing our VITEEE name. Kindly be aware of fraud websites. Please visit only for admissions.