Promoting conscious water usage in the wider community

Educational Opportunities for local communities (Free):

VIT School of Agricultural Innovations And Advanced Learning (VAIAL) faculty have published books on irrigation water management practices for the farmers in their vernacular language for better understanding. The book clearly explains the groundwater and surface water irrigation management techniques to be adopted in the irrigated fields. In addition the irrigation suitability of water is also discussed. The book was released by Honourable Chancellor, Dr. G. Viswanathan and distributed to the local community farmers at free of cost.

Also, VIT in its path of integrating the knowledge hub, allows the students to gain wisdom from the experts outside the campus including national and international professionals from reputed and renowned institutions, the expert groups from the research centers, and industries. The following lectures focusing on the theme of “water quality/quantity management” have been arranged in the CY of 2023 and AY of 2022-23.

Book Released by Honourable Chancellor,
Dr. G. Viswanathan and the first copy was given to a local farmer.

Farmers Training Programme on “Farmers and Scientists Interaction Meet”

Event Type: Farmers Interaction Program

No. of Organizers: 02 (Dr Paul Mansingh J, Dr.Anbarasan)

Event Description: Farmers Training on “Farmers and Scientists Interaction Meet”

Event Date and Time: 02.05.2023, Tuesday & Time: 11:00 AM to 2.00PM

No. of farmers attended: 13

Resource Person:

Purpose of Training Program:

1. Main purpose is to identify the field level problems faced by farmers and offering suitable recommendations

2. During the program following problems were discussed

  • Low cost organic sucking pest control methods in fruits and vegetables
  • Improvement of fruiting behavior in Mango Varieties
  • Exploring the possibilities of Medicinal values of traditional Paddy Varieties
  • Value addition in Agriculture and Horticulture crops
  • Model farm for Integrated crop management in Mango
  • Caterpillar and fruit fly control in Mango
  • Farm consultancy by VAIAL scientist
  • Seed quality control in traditional Paddy variety
  • GI tags for Agriculture and horticulture crops in Vellore
  • Grafting in vegetables.

Few Consultancy Project Details which promotes SDGs in the wider community are given:

Project Titles Project Category Client Date of Commencement Project End Free/Paid Amount
Training On Finite Element Analysis Training/Corporate Triveni Engineering & Industries Ltd 07-Mar-22 11-Mar-22 Paid 472000
Custom 3D Printer Development For Printing Polymer Matrix Composite (PMC) Consultancy Aditya Institute of Technology and Management 10-May-22 25-Jul-22 Paid 30000
Developer Support for Data Engineering Boot Consultancy Perficient India Pvt Ltd 02-May-22 31-Oct-22 Paid 215292
Decontamination Of Industrial Effluents using Nano-Materials for Recovery of Water Consultancy Tata Steel Limited 25-Oct-22 25-Oct-22 Paid 1362900
Assessing The Design Adequacy Of Sewage Treatment Plants (Stps) & Grey Water Treatment Plants (Gwtps) With A Total Capacity Of 550 KLD And 639 KLD Consultancy Eco Services India Pvt Ltd, Chennai 04-Nov-22 30-Nov-22 Paid 590000
Analysis Of Polymer Concrete Made of Vinyl Ester Resin Consultancy Carborundum Iniversal Limited 07-Oct-22 07-Nov-22 Paid 24780
Environmental Impact on the Durability of FRP Rebar Consultancy Grentech Industries 01-Dec-22 31-Jan-23 Paid 20000
Assessing the Design Adequacy of Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) With a Capacity of 2 MLD And Structural Stability of Existing Buildings for a Township Consultancy Eco Services India Pvt Ltd, Chennai 13-Feb-23 12-Mar-23 Paid 708000
Assessing The Design Adequacy of Sewage Treatment Plants (STPS) & Grey Water Treatment Plants (GWTPS) With a Total Capacity of 760 KLD and 65 KLD Consultancy Eco Services India Pvt Ltd, Chennai 13-Feb-23 12-Mar-23 Paid 295000
Awareness Programme About Neem Contract Farming Consultancy Coromandel International Ltd 05-Jan-23 31-Mar-23 Paid 80216
Testing of Energy Efficient Concrete Blocks Consultancy AL ADWA MUTHAMAYAZA TRD & CONT CO 20-Mar-23 20-May-23 Paid 200000
Development of Bioceramic 3D Scaffolds by Extrusion-Based Printing Technique Using Cellink BIOX System. Consultancy Altem Technologies(p) ltd 10-Mar-23 01-May-23 Paid 38822
Development of The Thermal Conductivity And Heat Transfer Rig-Phase_I Consultancy Air Treatment Engineering Pvt Ltd 05-Dec-22 04-Jun-23 Paid 220000
Optimization of Laser Shock Peening Parameters on The Base of Deep Machine Learning Methods Consultancy LLC Factor of High Technologies 03-Aug-22 02-Aug-25 Paid 300000
Studies on the Influence of Hydrogen Exposure on Mechanical and Absorption Behaviour of Polymer Composites Consultancy DOVER India Private Ltd,BANGALORE 04-Jan-23 04-Jun-23 Paid 553420
EMDP On Enhancing Project Management And Decision Making Skills Corporate Training B&B Developers & Builders Pvt Ltd 11-Mar-23 11-Mar-23 Paid 63000

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