Promoting conscious water usage on campus

Various events are organized in VIT at regular intervals to promote the conscious usage of water on campus. The category of events include :

  • Seminar, Conference or Workshops on Water Treatment and Usage
  • Invited guest lectures on Water
  • Learning activities through Student Clubs

Representative list of activities are provided below:

Sl.No Event Title From Date To Date Type
1 One day online Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Recent Advances in Wastewater Treatment 28-06-2023 28-06-2023 Faculty Development Program (FDP)
2 Poster Competition on "Emerging Challenges in Sustainable Management of Global Freshwater Resources" 31-03-2023 31-03-2023 Competition
3 Emerging Challenges in Sustainable Management of Global Freshwater Resources 22-03-2023 22-03-2023 Seminar
4 Interactive session on water management & sustainability in DAIMLER for consultancy works 07-02-2023 07-02-2023 Interactive Session

Sample Report On: One day online Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Recent Advances in Wastewater Treatment

Wastewater treatment has been an area of great interest for many decades due to pollutants that cause harmful effects on the water bodies. However, with rapid industrialization and population growth, water quality of conventionally treated effluents is becoming progressively worse. Water quality analysis of treated water from different wastewater treatment facilities reveals that various inorganic pollutants and organic micropollutants still exist in treated streams. However, decentralized modular wastewater treatment systems are one of the best approaches to deal with this problem. The adsorbent-based reactor is considered one of the prominent technologies due to its ease of operation, simple design, high efficiency, high-quality effluent, and economic feasibility. The adsorbent-loaded reactor modulated with decentralized treatment facilities is a cost effective and promising way to remove pollutants at source. This FDP gives a general overview to adsorption process, commonly used adsorptive reactors, different adsorbent materials, and design of multifunctional adsorbents. This FDP also discussed the advantages of decentralized/modular treatment system over centralized treatment systems, recent advancements, challenges, and future perspectives of adsorption-based modular wastewater treatment systems.

Lectures organised for students :

Sl.No Event Title Date
1 Enhancing Water Use Efficiency in Multi-Cropping Landscape using Effective Watershed Management Strategies 09-06-2023
2 Putting Chemistry to work for supplying clean water 06-06-2023
3 Wastewater-based Epidemiology- A Powerful Tool in Health Surveillance: From data to policy 03-04-2023
4 Wastewater-based Epidemiology - A Powerful Tool n Health Surveillance: From Data to policy 03-04-2023
5 Hydrological Network for Water Resources Assessment 30-03-2023
6 Zero Liquid Discharge Water Treatment Technology in CETP - RANITEC - Online Video Lecture by Industrial Expert 20-01-2023
7 INDUSTRIAL EXPERT LECTURE on Zero Liquid Discharge Water Treatment Technology in CETP-RANITEC 20-01-2023
8 Industrial waste water management 22-12-2022
9 Application of Geospatial Technology in Irrigation Water Management- Estimation of Evapotranspiration 09-11-2022
10 Solar Thermal Energy Utilization for Desalination and power generation 21-09-2022
11 Contemporary issues of Hydrology and water resources 24-08-2022
12 Water treatment system in Korea 10-08-2022
13 Advanced desalination technologies 22-07-2022

Contemporary issues of Hydrology and water resources

Contemporary hydrology and water resource issues are deeply interconnected with climate change, population growth, and socio-economic development. Addressing these challenges requires innovative solutions, better governance, technological advancements, and sustainable management practices. Sustainable water management, efficient infrastructure, and a focus on equity in access to clean water are essential for meeting the global water needs of the future.

The students were educated through club activities. Few of them are listed below.

Sl.No Event Title Type Start Date End Date
1 Aqua-Thon: The Water Innovation Challenge NATURE STUDIES 24-05-2023 24-05-2023
2 There Is No Plan(et) B SOCIAL AWARENESS 24-03-2023 24-03-2023
3 Application of Microbial Electrochemical Technologies for Wastewater Remediation Facilitating Value-Added Product Recovery and Reuse (Structura) INNOVATION 13-01-2023 13-01-2023
4 Structura INNOVATION 13-01-2023 15-01-2023
5 World Rivers Day SOCIAL AWARENESS 25-09-2022 25-09-2022
6 Solar Thermal Energy Utilization for Desalination and Power Generation INNOVATION 21-09-2022 21-09-2022
7 The Social Muse - Humans Un-Welling Nature SOCIAL AWARENESS 14-07-2022 14-07-2022
8 Nuclear Desalination SOCIAL AWARENESS 13-07-2022 13-07-2022

Aqua-Thon: The Water Innovation Challenge

Aqua-thon: the water innovation challenge is an Ideation event conducted focused on the theme of International Scenario for SDG-6 and water technology solutions, aimed at raising awareness and bringing about innovative solutions in the field of water technology and water engineering. The event took place on 24th May 2023 at SMV 209. The participants were given problem statements related to water conservation, water engineering, water treatment technology and procurement and efficient management beforehand on the previous day of the event. They were provided with preparation time and also received guidance and mentoring sessions. The participants presented their solutions to the jury panel after their planning period of time. The panel evaluated the presentations based on several criteria, including the originality of the idea, the level of innovation displayed, the underlying principles behind the proposed solutions, the feasibility of implementation, and the participants’ ability to answer questions posed by the panel. A total of nine teams participated in the event. After careful consideration, the jury panel selected the top three teams based on their presentations and overall performance. The Idea-thon challenged participants to develop innovative solutions for the problem statements that sums up the significance of Goal 6 – SDGs and water conservation. Through brainstorming, research, and critical thinking, participants enhanced their problem-solving skills. They learned about the latest advancements in water technology solutions and the challenges faced by the industry.

Few Courses offered to students to provide awareness on water management is given in the following table.

Sl.No Course Code Course Title Students Count
1 BCLE216L Water Resource Management 281
2 BAG2009 Soil and Water Conservation Engineering 147
3 CLE2004 Water Resource Engineering 40

Other Events

World Water Day is held globally on March 22nd every year since 1993 to create awareness on water. World Water Day 2023 is about accelerating the change to solve water and sanitation crisis. It’s time to act for making a difference by changing the way we use, consume, and manage water in our lives to meet the specific Sustainable Development Goal 6, water and sanitation for all by 2030. Also, in connection with World Water Day 2023 celebration, Centre for Clean Environment (CCE) and Centre for Disaster Mitigation & Management (COMM), VIT, Vellore were jointly organized a one-day seminar on ‘Water security in a changing climate’. The following brouchure gives us more details about the event.

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About VIT

Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) was founded in 1984 as Vellore Engineering College by the honourable Chancellor Dr. G. Viswanathan. The institution has grown steadily since its humble beginning. VIT attracts students from all over India and more than 50 countries because of its excellence. VIT has emerged as one of India’s best institutes and aspires to become a global leader in education. Quality in teaching-learning, research and innovation make VIT a unique place to learn. The credentials in academics and research have placed VIT in the 1211> position among the engineering institutions in India by NIRF, Govt. of India. VIT is Ranked within the top 200 in Asia (QS – Asia University Rankings 2022). VIT achieved NAAC Accreditation with A++ grade in the 4th cycle. VIT is one of the top 3 institutions of India and within the top 601-700 Universities of the world as per Shanghai ARWU Ranking 2022. VIT is also ranked by QS World University Ranking, Times Higher Education (THE) World University Ranking, US News Ranking, Round University Ranking, Russia and others. VIT is the first institute of India to receive QS 4-Star rating in overall category and QS 5-Star rating in teaching, employability, facilities, innovation and inclusiveness.

About CCE

Centre for Clean Environment (CCE), Vellore institute of Technology was established in 2022 with the intention to associate with Global Goals adopted by the United Nations. CCE is an independent research centre of the VIT that focuses on finding innovative technologies and sustainable so1Ut1ons for the environmental issues at reg1ona1 anCI global level. The centre address environmental concerns by collaborating with government, industry, non-government organizations and leading academic partners through national and international research networks. Our thrust area of research and consultancy revolves around wastewater treatment, solid waste management, waste to energy with major focus on hydrogen, novel materials for envtonmental remediation. multidisciplinary approach towards environmental monitoring, bioremediation of organic pollutants in soil and water, modelling, heavy metal removal, air pollution, environmental awareness, and other rele·,ant areas of environmental concerns.


The Centre for Disaster Mitigation and Management (CDMM) was inaugurated in Janual’}’ 2006 by the Honourable Home Minister of India Shri. Shivraj Patil in the gracious presence of General NC Vij., Vice Chairman, National Disaster Management Authority, Government of India and patronized by VIT with state of-art infrastructure. It was the first centre to be set up in India for disaster mitigation and management after the National Disaster Maragement Act was passed in Parliament in December 2005. The major activities of the centre are Research & Development, Consultancy Services in Disaster Reduction Programs (Storage tank protection, Firefighting system design, Industrial Safety, and mapping natural disasters), Innovative Disaster Education Initiatives, Knowledge Networking & Partnerships. The research focus of COMM includes hazard mapping, vulnerability analysis, nsk assessment, modelling and forecasting for both natural and man-made disasters


World Water Day is held globally on March 22nd every year since 1993 to create awareness on water. World Water Day 2023 is about accelerating the change lo solve water and sanitation crisis. It’s time to act for making a difference by changing the way we use, consume, and manage water in our lives to meet Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6: water and sanitation for all by 2030. In connection with World Water Day 2023 celebration Centre for Clean Environment (CCE) and Centre for Disaster Mitigation & Management (COMM), VIT, Vellore are jointly organizing a one-day seminar on ‘Water security in a changing climate’. The main objective of the seminar is to create awareness on the water security in changing climate. The seminar will highlight existing issues on water availability, water hazards, water management in industries, impact of climate change on water i related disaster and water crisis. Lecture w ll be delivered by experts from premier academic Institutions & Industry.

About VIT

Chief Patron

Dr.G.Viswanathan, Chanoellor


Mr. Sankar Viswanathan, Vice President

Dr. Sekar Viswanathan, Vice President

Mr. G.V. Selvam, Vice President

Dr. Rambabu Kodali, Vice- Chancellor

Dr. Partha Sharathi Mallick, Pro Vice Chancellor

Dr. Jayabarathi T, Registrar


Dr. Shantha Kumar S, Director

Centre for Clean Environment

Dr. Chandrasekaran S S, Director

Centre for Disaster Mitigation & Management


Dr. Ganapathy G P, Professor

Centre for Disaster Mitigation & Management

Dr. Greeshma 0, Assistant Professor

Centre for Clean Environment


Participation is open to all professionals, researchers, academia, industries, and students.


he link will be send to registered participants.


  • Student/Researchers- Rs.100/- + 18% GST
  • Academicians/Industrialists- Rs. 200/- + 18% GST
  • E-Certificate will be provided for the registered


The registration fee has to be paid through the following link only

https :/events.


15th March 2023

Centre for Clean Environment jointly with Centre for Disaster Mitigation & Management (CDMM) VIT, Vellore organized a one day seminar (online) on “Water Security in a Changing Climate” on MARCH 22, 2023 in connection with World Water Day 2023. . In this seminar 3 eminent Scientists from CSIR NEERI ,Nagpur and ICAR-IISWC, Odisha , Coastal Scientist and Environmentalist, School of Engineering, University of Central Lancashire ,United Kingdom , and two speakers from VIT delivered lectures which promoted awareness among students residing in campus on conscious usage of water.

Water Conservation Week

To create awareness among the public and professionals about the importance of water conservation, the School of Civil Engineering organized the “Water Conservation Week 2023” program at Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore from 20-24th March 2023. The Various competitions such as guest lecture, short videos contest, poster presentation, idea-thon, and drawing competition exclusively for staff kids were conducted during this week and many students actively participated in the program.

Beware of VITEEE fake websites

We came to know that some fake websites are misusing our VITEEE name. Kindly be aware of fraud websites. Please visit only for admissions.