Local community outreach for energy efficiency

School of Electrical Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology organized an one week awareness program on Energy Conservation in the month of December which is aligned with National Energy conservation day December 14. This year as well the event has been successfully hosted from Dec 14 to 18, 2022, which is open to all Local, Regional, National colleges and Schools. Dr. Gilles Nougier, from Schneider Electric inaugurated the program. Various technical events like energy hackathon, skill development program, and awareness talk by industry experts have been organized to enhance the skills of college students. Skill development has around 80 participants.

The awareness program ensured the following

Overall, it results in long-term energy savings, enhances environmental sustainability, and boosts community resilience.

Energy Hackathon is one of the major events hosted as a part of the Energy Conservation Week (ECW) and had been conducted on December 15, 2022. Energy Hackathon invited students to come up with their innovative ideas or solution towards the industry related challenges. It is fortunate that the industry “India 4.0” has agreed to sponsor Rs. 5,00,000 for the best two innovative ideas identified from the Energy Hackathon event. Around 60 college students participated in this event. To create energy conservation awareness among the student community, slow cycling event have been conducted successfully on December 16, 2022.

To create awareness to the public, the Walkathon event has been conducted on 18th December and more than 250 participants including Faculty members, college students, school students and parents participated in the Walkathon event from Chittoor bus stand to VIT. This event has been flagged by our Honorable Vice President Shri. G. V. Selvam at 7.30 am. Around 300 participants from various schools in and around Vellore participated in the various events planned for school students on December 18, 2022 from 9.00am to 6.00 pm. Students exhibited their talents in the various events like painting, model exhibition and art & craft. The prizes have been sponsored by the Industry sponsors Schneider Electric and India 4.0 along with VIT. Our honorable Vice President Shri. Shankar Viswanathan and Er. Suresh Babu, EE, TNEB, along with industrial sponsors Mr. Sri Vignesh from Schneider Electric and Mr. Hasan from India 4.0 distributed the prizes to the winners. Dr. Mathew M. Noel, Dean, School of Electrical Engineering has also joined the ECW prize distribution function.

S.No Activity Event date Participants No. of Participants
Energy Hackathon
December 15, 2022
Schools and Colleges
Slow Cycling
December 16, 2022
Schools and Colleges
December 18, 2022
Students, parents and Faculty members from Schools and Colleges

Poem, Essay Writing, Animation and Video making (online submission) to promote Energy Conservation

December 18, 2022
Local school students
Painting, Model Exhibition , Art and Craft
December 18, 2022
Local school students

Awareness to the public on Energy Savings: The Walkathon event has been conducted on 18th December and more than 250 participants including Faculty members, college students, school students and parents participated in the event from Chittoor bus stand to VIT (3 Kms).

Participants attending the Industry Expert Lectures promoting Energy Savings

Sample Slow Cycling Photos on participation of faculty members in the Energy Conservation Awareness Program

Beware of VITEEE fake websites

We came to know that some fake websites are misusing our VITEEE name. Kindly be aware of fraud websites. Please visit only https://vit.ac.in for admissions.