Alpha Bio Cell is a group of like-minded individuals with complementing skill sets coming together to inculcate entrepreneurship skills in aspiring bio entrepreneurs. It is a team of raw minds, wanting to tap into the untapped potential that a bio based entrepreneurship venture could offer. We believe that Biology being the study of life should not be confined just to the laboratory but also be allowed to spread its wings to influence the other parts of the industry. It serves as an opportunity to grow and develop into skilled individuals not only obtaining knowledge and hands-on experience from the laboratory but also from business endeavours. Alpha Bio Cell is an initiative to nurture leadership so that bio-entrepreneurs would not only lead in the scientific arena but also in the corporate world.

Apple Developers Group (ADG) is a technical chapter established under Apple University Program. Helps to understand the latest technologies required to develop IOS applications. Provide and Apple development environment for the IOS developers. ADG encourages as well as assists budding developers to become the better version of them. We excel in the fields of iOS app development and Web app development. Various workshops and technical events are organized for the students where they are mentored to build up their skill set. Hack-a-thon are also organized to bring forth supercalifragilisticexpialidocious solutions for a range of real-world problems.

Archi-Tech Club: The goal of the Architectural Club is to establish and maintain a community of peers with a common interest in architecture and design. We wish to make the fields of architecture and design accessible. Additionally, we would like to generate interest for the fields of architecture and design. To facilitate the knowledge sharing and skill development activities through seminars and hands on workshops in the Architecture related areas like digital architecture, visual merchandising, model making, spatial ideation exercises, and graphical manifestation creations – execution works. With a mission to travel to see new buildings in the area, go on construction tours, visit architectural offices, watch films about architects/architecture, participate in design competitions, invite speakers to the College for presentations about sustainable design/building codes/lighting, and visit local schools of architecture.

Bulls and Bears: The Finance Club, VIT, promotes finance related activities and careers throughout the VIT students. The main objective of this club is to spread awareness in the domain of finance, in particular investment banking, stocks and trading, private wealth management and many more. The club provides a constructive platform for helping the finance aspirants apply theoretical concepts they have learnt in real life. The club has an objective of providing a constructive platform for helping the budding finance warilocks grow and apply the theoretical concepts they have learnt in real life.

Alpha Bio Cell
Archi-Tech Club
Bulls and Bears
VIT Blockchain Community Club, a student led initiative, focuses on education, research and development in blockchain technology and its various applications. Members and students develop basic application knowledge at the end of each session. The overall objective is to facilitate learning, exploration, and discussion on blockchain technology among students as well as the community; to explore avenues of facilitation such as business, healthcare, mining and finance. Club activities include, quiz sessions, study/training sessions, research paper readings, projects, guest lectures and hackathon. The club plans to host regular events and workshops to cater to all skill levels with equal opportunities for all our members to participate.

The Advertising & Marketing Club aims to develop a corporate relationship rooted in the discipline of "Advertising & Marketing" that is mutually beneficial to both students and the corporate world. This club bridges the gap between classroom teaching and practical application in various field of entrepreneurship, marketing & Startup Management. Here, college students from various streams come together under one umbrella seeking to expand their insight on the most proficient method to showcase the abilities related to their respective stream in a beneficial way and become efficient in Marketing. Thus, we are managing these aptitudes to a way where they can be utilized to the fullest. We envision to continue developing, sharing thoughts, and pioneering into this continuously evolving world.

The objective of The multimedia club is to spread insights about multimedia among the students and promote knowledge & understanding of Multimedia tools & their wide usage. To develop skills to encourage the production of creative digital media content. To guide students to develop an understanding of the effects of digital media on themselves as individuals and also upon society as a whole. To improve creativity and to provide a platform to creative content creators. To enhance and endorse the talents and work in the multimedia domain. To launch more visual and audio content creatively created by students. To create a healthy working environment for the people who work here. Our primary focus is to acquire the understanding of digital and multimedia and upskill the students in the same direction. and give a sense of power this can have in things they will be creating in the future. Our Motto: " Tune it, Play it, Create it..."

The club is of premier technology enthusiasts in VIT, who practically live and sense all things technology. Not only to learn how to manufacture and work in the industry of tech but the club would practically want to see people use technology in the best way possible. Getting the most out of technology in the right way is our vision. For the past 15 years, Digit is the most trusted friend when it comes to everything you may want to know and find about technology and science. Our club would hence strive to further teach people how technology can be used for an optimal life solution and also enriching the quality of life's impact due to technology through events, social media posts, engaging quizzes, and newsletters.

VIT Blockchain Community Club
Advertising & Marketing Club
Multimedia club
The main vision of this club is continually promoting both technical and managerial excellence for each individual and everlasting knowledge in the field of AI in a caring, respectful and supportive environment. We believe in creating a community with likeminded people to improve and strive for getting better than each day. Encouraging students to contribute and involve in this field with interesting projects which can also be converted into commercial projects as well. Also embracing entrepreneurship by establishing new start-ups. Contribution to the VIT community will always be the primary priority while taking up any task. Solving the problems with the help of AI not only inside of VIT but also to the rest of the world. Our mission is to make Artificial Intelligence is more approachable for students to learn and develop, and more accessible for the consumers to inculcate in their daily lives. We plan to focus and pivot the technical enthusiasm more towards ML and AI, thereby enabling more students to successfully deploy projects that solve issues in the real world.

To enhance the knowledge of students interested in astronomy and expose students to the wonders of space and astrophysics. To facilitate the creation of a community of space enthusiasts. We believe that this initiative of having a full-fledged astronomy chapter at our university will popularize astronomy among students. Such a club will expand the base of existing opportunities and open up more avenues for exploration and career-making for students through intellectual and professional development. Ability to demonstrate the understanding behind the theories of cosmic evolution, the science of astronomy, and the position of humanity in the universe. Ability to apply scientific reasoning to advanced astronomical discoveries and understand their validity and apply them in everyday situations. Read, analyze, and interpret data to draw valid scientific conclusions and communicate those conclusions in a clear and articulate manner. To achieve a enhance the skills of students which will help them in increasing their job prospects and will provide them with more than one career opportunities to choose from.

Zero Waste Mangement club promotes and develop sustainable and professional Waste Management system in campus. Club achieves its mission through: Promoting resource efficiency through sustainable production and consumption, Advancement of waste management through education and training. Promoting appropriate and best available technologies and practices. Organize events to share knowledge and experience in sustainable waste management and climate change mitigation. Also all kinds of professional events for the dissemination of information.

Linux User's Group helps to understand the benefits of open source software over proprietary software. To create awareness and train users to go for open source software. To accelerate development and deployment of free and open source technologies, and beyond. Free to use, free to study, free to distribute, free to modify, free to access. Familarize Students with Linux Distributions, Create awarness about FOSS, Learn general softwares on Linux such as GIMP, Libre Office, To present Linux as an efficient tool in Cyber security, Get students to contribute to FOSS, Make students more industry ready and to promote Linux in General.

The AI & ML Club
Astronomy Club
Zero Waste Mangement
Linux User's Group
Gurutva- The Physics Club focus on for a common room for the young science enthusiasts to popularise physics among all categories of people. Also link between pat, present and future members of club to ensure assured opportunities by enhancing to engage, explore and travel along with coherent people in the path of physics. To increase the exposure of students and get them connected with differnt labs across the world. Train students in various computational sofware and technologies.

Developers Student Club or Google Developer Groups (GDGs) provide to developers who are interested in Google's developer technology; everything from the Android, App Engine, and Google Chrome platforms, to product APIs like the Maps API, YouTube API and Google Calendar API. Run by passionate individuals in local developer communities, A group to share ideas and network with fellow developers, A place to learn about Google technologies and development tools, as well as what local companies and developers are doing with these technologies, Focused on developers and educational technical content, Open to and free for all interested.

Centre for Social Entrepreneurship Development (CSED) is an organisation where ideas come into fruition. We strive to equip young entrepreneurs with an ecosystem to start and sustain their own business. In order to do that, we host various events and conduct workshops which help students ideate at an early stage. An important part of our work is to connect entrepreneurs to investors and interns through our growing network. The sole purpose of our organisation is to provide a blank slate to anyone with an idea and help them turn into reality by providing an appropriate environment for successful growth. We train members in business development, social purchasing , social impact, social enterprise growth, business, coaching, acceleration, cluster development and social entrepreneurship.

CodeChef was created as a platform to help programmers make it big in the world of algorithms, computer programming and programming contests. At CodeChef we work hard to revive the geek in you by hosting a programming contest at the start of the month and another smaller programming challenge in the middle of the month. We also aim to have training sessions and discussions related to algorithms, binary search, technicalities like array size and the likes. Apart from providing a platform for programming competitions, CodeChef also has various algorithm tutorials and forum discussions to help those who are new to the world of computer programming. Chapter provide a platform for practice, competition and improvement for both students and professional software developers. Apart from this, it aims to reach out to students while they are young and inculcate a culture of programming in India.

Gurutva- The Physics
Developers Student
The Creation lab is a club for hacker/maker space to aid & stimulate students to reflect creatively and innovate. Sighted at implementing the resources and abilities to those who think outside the box. This joint effort to create, innovate and cooperate between various disciplines provides the translation of simple ideas into inventions in science & technology. We believe that user-centric products which achieve excellence because we build their products and services around the needs of our customers. We create state-of-the-art user experiences by getting our users’ input in creating an ideal journey that combines useful functionality with high design and development standards.

Dream Merchants aims to provide a stimulus to the sharing of knowledge by organizing interactive discussions, seminars, mock forums, employment generation among the underprivileged, seminars, mock forums, employment generation among the underprivileged, etc. We aim to provide a range of ways to get the student community involved in events like Talk show on industry insiders’s insights, preparing Industry-ready acumen and skills, etc for career advancement besides the regular events like Financial Forum, Mutual Fund Meeting and Budget Mock in which attendees will not only learn more about the workings of the stock markets, but also have the chance to trade on an individual or group basis in order to contribute to understanding finance and daily lives.

‘Energy & Environment Protection Club (E2PC) is the official eco club of VIT. We aim to work at a ground level, to protect and conserve "the third rock" from the sun, by persuading individuals to take up responsibility on matters pertaining to sustenance on the "Blue Planet". As the standard of life is increasing, using energy has become a prerogative for every individual. Energy, which comes with so much of conversions and processes and environmental compromises, is a precious commodity which has to be judiciously, effectively and carefully used to save the environment. We also aim at making the world clean and green.

Entrepreneurs Cell (E-cell)
E-Cell helps fostering entrepreneurial spirit among the students and to provide them a platform for converting their ideas into businesses. E-Cell’s purpose is to create a culture of entrepreneurship among the students. The prime objective of the E-Cell will to help the students to develop business ideas who are eager to become entrepreneurs but are unsure about the way forward. E-Cell will help both budding and would-be entrepreneurs with refining ideas and providing practical guidance. E-Cell wanted to undertake research activities, training entrepreneurs, identifying opportunities and pursuing them. E-Cell also help the students to: Understand the role and importance of entrepreneurs in the modern economy, Identify the traits of successful entrepreneurs, Think about whether they might want to be an entrepreneur, Evaluate the trade-off between risk and reward for entrepreneurs and Learn the ways entrepreneurs fund their businesses.

Creation lab
Dream Merchants
Innovators Quest provide students a platform to update their knowledge base with all the latest techniques and concepts so as to make the youth technically sound, but also encourage a healthy exchange of ideas. Our main objective is to mould people towards a more professional pedestal in their field of interest and develop a wider ambit of ideas with a positive outlook on research through numerous workshops and guest lectures. We facilitate the knowledge sharing and skill development activities through seminars and hands on workshops in the Architecture related areas like digital architecture, visual merchandising, model making, spatial ideation exercises, graphical manifestation creations – execution works.

Internet of Things Club (IoThinc)
Internet of Things Club (IoThinc): The Internet of Things has become one of the hottest topics in technology and everyone from small to large companies, universities, and now even governments has jumped on the bandwagon. Welcome to the exciting and emerging world of the Internet of Things. Club Aims To increase awareness of the opportunities presented by Internet of Things as a growing concept, To provide a social platform for Internet of Things enthusiasts (like-minded individuals) to network and connect with experts within the field. To host workshops to facilitate the building of simple Internet of Things devices, hence allowing students to interact with them in a widely accessible manner. To form teams to take part in IoT-based competitive activities (e.g. Internet of Things hackathon). To encourage students to incorporate skills learned within their respective faculties into IoT-based projects that they will strive to create.

Mozilla Club to help students shape their experience of the internet and other such application to provide a platform for the development of free and open source software and tools using Mozilla products. Programs that incite invention, inspire innovation, and foster global change using Mozilla products. Mozilla program engages students all over the world, building campus groups that contributing to Mozilla as advocates, technologists, and innovators. Clubs helps to spark a movement -- a loud voice, a breeding ground for new ideas, a massive force, a deep talent pool -- that powers the open web to new heights. Campus Clubs plan the impact they want to have for the open web and then hack and build on a combination of recommended activities and their own open source projects to make a difference for the web, their campuses and communities.

RoboVITics, the robotics club of VIT, provides a base for robotics enthusiasts to progress and contribute to the field of robotics. We provide efficiency in the field of robotics, control and automation; and to expand the scope beyond VIT. Helps to facilitate students to understand, design and learn robotics. Provide interested students with opportunities to express their skills, knowledge and creativity through conceptualizing, designing and programming robots. To support and foster interest in various aspects related to robotics. We act as a stepping stone for young engineers to strive and excel in robotics and automation in the future.

Innovators Quest
Internet of Things Club
Mozilla Club
Solai Club – Sustainable Organic Living with Agricultural Initiatives) at VIT is to realize Vellore district as an exemplary model for implementation of sustainable agricultural at farm and home. Various events are planned and organised for dissimilation of knowledge for students. Field visits, data documentation hands on training for Kitchen gardening, food waste composting, minimizing food storage losses, cultivation of household medicinal plants etc. Creating awareness on commercial agriculture and broadcasting on opportunities related to skilled training. Competitive programmes on the application of core engineering principles to solve agriculture problems are also organised.

SABEST: The Students Association of Bio-Engineering, Science and Technology aims at inculcating a burgeoning flair and passion for revolutionary ideas among its members through the means of constructive group discussion and inspiring guest lectures to the comprising members. It makes the students aware of the resent happenings and ground breaking research relevant to the field. Club strives to increase the holistic growth and development of the students. Also recognises and appreciates that each student in an individual entity, with boundless creativity and graceful intellect, that all students need only a platform to prove themselves and hone their skills. Club provides them that whetstone to sharpen their skillset on and show their creativity and talent in the field of science and technology.

Technology and Gaming Club TAG) in Vellore Institute of Technology aims at instilling a gaming environment for all the digital players out there along with helping them shape their interest in Game development. To facilitate the development of skills pertaining to game development (cyber games) and other important spheres of modern computing to give the student community in VIT a competitive edge in modern computing industry. TAG helps to perpetuate professional game-testing as a career option among the student community. Various workshops like Studio to Stage, Henry Harvin has moulded TAG in taking steps towards inculcating the Gaming world in VIT. TAG provides quality technical, design and gaming extravaganzas every year.

The Catalyst Club, a club for chemistry lovers. The club shall be to provide a better understanding of chemistry, to promote and improve education in chemistry, to acquaint individuals with current trends in chemistry, and to provide opportunity for individual participation and professional growth. Through large public demo shows and smaller interactive groups, we strive to teach individuals that chemistry is fun. Promote an interest in the field of chemistry and stimulate scientific curiosity in general; Provide assistance in the field of chemistry and encourage an atmosphere to exchange thoughts and ideas; Promote the distribution of chemical knowledge through seminars and visiting lecturers; Make available to the members details of the numerous job opportunities open in the field of chemistry; Promote the importance of chemistry and the physical sciences in everyday life.

Solai Club
Technology and Gaming
The Catalyst Club
The Electronics Club (TEC) aims to provide students a platform and resources to gain practical skills and realize projects. We strive to teach and help students acquire new skills in an era of rapidly evolving technology. We believe in coming up with projects that are innovative and tackle real life problems. We help students to acquire and develop new skill-sets by conducting various lectures and workshops and mentorship programs to help students realize their projects. The mission of the club is to expose students to challenges and new technologies in the field of electronics and thus to nurture and develop their skill set in this arena. Regular meetings and mentorship programs will definitely help students to achieve their goals. The emphasis is on experimenting and learning, no experience is necessary but eagerness to learn is essential.

Visual Blogger's Club
Visual Blogger’s Club provide a platform for aspiring and existing visual bloggers in VIT, to encourage writing visual blogs, to encourage people to express their idea and thoughts by visual blogging. Visual blogging is a type of content blogging that connects with readers using visual content like images, infographics and mini-infographics. If you want to steadily improve your post virality and sharability, then you should look into adding some visual post styles to your strategy. Visual blogging posts can also include infographics, memes, mini-infographics and stylized images. The club organises various workshops and events to help students in the world of blogging.

VIT Amateur Radio Club (VARC)
VARC is VIT’s official HAM Radio Club. This club caters to ham radio enthusiasts who have a deep passion for signals, frequencies, and find joy in communicating using a variety of innovative radio equipment and technology. Contrary to scheduling radio broadcasts and hosting shows, VARC helps students get a better understanding about technical aspects of radio communications. Think of it as a digital hangout for tech-savvy adventurers. VARC hosts workshops and hands-on sessions, designed to give real-world skills and foster an understanding about the complexities of radio technology. The club also invites renowned HAMS to engage with members and share insights about the continually expanding domain of amateur radio. VARC hosts regular sessions on history and basics designed to transform "amateurs" to Masters of the Airwaves.